Test Cases for Validating Integration
Important: These tests will not work until Amazon has completed their configuration work, coordinate progress with your Amazon contact.
- Homescreen title display
- Isolated content across multiple Amazon profiles
- Playback events
- Verify that the app sends the data only when it is in foreground and not in the background
- Verify that the app sends the playback event every 1 min with the current playback position when the user is watching a video
- Verify that the app sends the playback events for Live Linear content
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “pause” when the user pauses the playback
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “playing” when the user fast forwards or rewinds content
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “exit” when the user exits the playback using Home button press from remote
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “exit” when the user exits the playback using Back button press from remote
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “interstitial” when the ads, preview etc., are playing
- Verify playback events captured before integrating Content Personalization API are not displayed in the CWR
- Verify the app is not sending data for kids profile (app profile)
- Verify the app with Content Personalization API integration in unsupported FOS production build
- Watchlist
- Watchlist Data
UI Verification
Homescreen title display
Verify that watching a video within an app is displaying the content tile in the Continue Watching Row (CWR)
Test Steps
Verify that watching a video within an app is displaying the content tile in the Continue Watching Row (CWR).
- Install the app on a Fire TV device (login if subscription based).
- Open the app.
- Start watching content and skip or forward to a position at least 2% into the total duration.
- Exit the app and go to the Home tab.
- Verify that the content tile is displayed in CWR on the Home tab.
Note: The playback position should be between 2% - 92% of the total duration for the tile to appear in the CWR. If the total duration of the content is 60 minutes, then you should skip to between 1 minute and 55 minutes to display the content tile in CWR.
Important: If you're not seeing your content show up in the CWR, it might be because the row needs to update. You can wait a minute or two for the row to refresh or you can force a refresh by navigating to Settings > Account & Profile Settings > Sync Amazon Content.
Expected results
- The watched content tile should be displayed in the CWR as the first row in the Home tab.
- Ingress into the watched content tile from Home tab → The playback should start from the timestamp, where the user left it at the time of exiting the playback.
Note: The row location can be changed in the future. If found, please check with your Amazon contact for the updated location.

Isolated content across multiple Amazon profiles
Verify that watching a video within an app from one Amazon profile does not display the same content tile in the CWR on a different Amazon profile on the same device
Test Steps
- Install the app on Fire TV device (login if subscription based).
- Switch to the Amazon profile 1 on the device.
- Open the app.
- Start watching content and skip or forward to a position at least 2% into the total duration.
- Exit the app and go to the Home tab.
- Verify that the content tile is displayed in CWR in the Home tab on profile 1.
- Switch to profile 2 on the same device.
- Verify the content from profile 1 is not displayed on the current profile.
- Play content from profile 2.
- Verify that the content played in profile 2 shows up in the CWR in the Home tab.
- Switch back to profile 1 and verify that the tile from profile 2 is not added to CWR in profile 1.

Expected results
- The content tile is isolated to the Amazon profile that the content is originally played from.
Watchactivity data
Playback events
Verify that the app sends the data only when it is in foreground and not in the background
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Start watching content for more than 2% of the total duration and until playback events are sent to Amazon.
- Exit the app by pressing the Home button during playback.
- Wait at least 5 mins or more and then verify that the playback events are not sent to Amazon after exiting the app.
Expected results
- Data should be sent to Amazon only when the app is in foreground.
- When monitoring the SDK logs, there should be no data logging in the SDK when the app is in background (after exiting the app, 5 mins or more).
Verify that the app sends the playback event every 1 min with the current playback position when the user is watching a video
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Start watching content for more than 2% of the total duration and continue watching for 5 mins.
- Verify that the playback event is sent to Amazon every 1 min with the current playback position.
Expected results
- The SDK logs should contain 5 playback events (1 event every 1 min).
value in the event log need to be accurate with current playback position and should increase with each new event.creditsPositionMs
value should be less than the total duration in the event log.
Verify that the app sends the playback events for Live Linear content
Note: This is applicable if your app has Live Linear content.
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Watch Live Linear content.
- Verify that the playback event is sent to Amazon every 1 min with the current playback position.
Expected results
- The app should send the playback event every 1 min with the current playback position.
Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “pause” when the user pauses the playback
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Start watching content and then pause.
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with the playback state as "pause" with the current playback position.
Expected results
- The app should send the playback event with the playback state as "pause" with the current playback position.
Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “playing” when the user fast forwards or rewinds content
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Start watching content and then skip the content forward and then rewind the content.
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with the playback state as "pause" with the current playback position.
Expected results
- The app should send the playback event with the playback state as "playing" with the current playback position.
Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “exit” when the user exits the playback using Home button press from remote
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Start watching content and then exit using Home button.
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with the playback state as "exit" with the current playback position.
Expected results
- The app should send the playback event with the playback state as "exit" with the current playback position.
Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “exit” when the user exits the playback using Back button press from remote
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Start watching content and then exit using Back button.
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with the playback state as "exit" with the current playback position.
Note: This test may not be applicable for the app if the content is still in progress in the app's background when hitting the back button. In that case the app should keep sending the playback event with playback state as "playing".
Expected results
- The app should send the playback event with the playback state as "exit" with current playback position.
Verify that the app sends the playback event with playback state as “interstitial” when the ads, preview etc., are playing
Note: This is applicable only if your app has ads, preview etc., before, after or when the playback is in progress.
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Start watching content that might have previews or ads.
- Verify that the app sends the playback event with the playback state as "interstitial" with current playback position.
Note: The app should switch back to the playback state as "playing" when the interstitial content ends and the actual content starts playing.
Expected results
- The app should send the playback event with the playback state as "interstitial" with current playback position.
Verify playback events captured before integrating Content Personalization API are not displayed in the CWR
Test steps
- Install and launch the app on the Fire TV device (sign in if subscription based).
- Verify that the CWR displays the watch activity contents (playback events) that are watched after the integration (Content Personalization API) is enabled.
Expected results
- CWR should show the contents being watched by the user after integrating with the Content Personalization API.
- CWR should not show the contents that are watched before integration of Content Personalization API.
Verify the app is not sending data for kids profile (app profile)
Note: This is applicable only if your app supports kids profiles.
Test steps
- Login into an Amazon account on Fire TV device.
- Select an Amazon profile (adult) account.
- Open the app and sign in.
- Select a kids profile.
- Watch a video and verify that the data is not sent to Amazon.
Expected results
- Data should not be sent from the kids profile.
Verify the app with Content Personalization API integration in unsupported FOS production build
Note: Test this on different FOS devices, for example AFTT.
Test steps
- Use a device that is not added to the Amazon OTA pool.
- Install all the updates from prod by navigating to Settings > My Fire TV > About > Check for updates.
- Repeat until you receive the "Your Fire TV is up-to-date" message.
- Install your app that has integration of Content Personalization API.
- Open the app and watch a video.
- Verify that the app is not crashing when installing, launching, when playing the content, and adding the content to a watchlist.
Expected results
- The app should not crash upon installing, launching, when playing the content or adding the content to a watchlist.
- You should not see any logs when using the following command:
adb logcat | grep -E "FTVIntegrationSDK"
Watchlist, Subscription & Entitlement data
Verify that the app is sending the data (Watchlist) when the app is launched OR upon logging in
Test steps
No sign up required to watch content (free apps)
- Monitor the logcat using the following command:
adb logcat | grep "FTVIntegrationSDK"
. - Install and launch the app on Fire TV device.
Sign up required to watch content (subscription based apps)
- Install and launch the app on Fire TV device.
- Monitor the logcat with:
adb logcat | grep "FTVIntegrationSDK"
. - Log in to the app.
Expected results
No sign up required to watch content (free apps)
- Verify that the data is sent to Amazon upon launching.
- Verify correct data has been sent in the logs. If user has watchlist, then the logs indicating watchlist info should be seen in the logs.
- Verify that the log indicates that
methods are being called on app launch.
Note: Validate all the applicable data that the app can send to Amazon.
Sign up required to watch content (subscription based apps)
- Verify that the data is sent to Amazon upon logging in.
- Verify correct data has been sent in the logs. If user has watchlist, then the logs indicating watchlist info should be seen in the logs.
- If the app supports creating an account without subscription, verify that any empty subscription list is sent.
- Verify that the log indicates that
methods are being called on app launch.
Note: Validate all the applicable data that the app can send to Amazon.
Watchlist Data
Verify adding content to watchlist
Test Steps
- Install and log into the test app.
- Go to any contents details page or the equivalent navigation to add content to watchlist.
- Add the content to watchlist for the user.
Expected Results
- SDK logs the content added to watchlist.
Example: SDK logs will display an entry similar to the example below.
addCustomerListEntries invoked by package: com.starz.starzplay.firetv with data: List(AmazonCustomerListEntry(addedTimestampMs=1705432510548)) and AmazonCustomerListType: Watchlist.
Verify removing content from watchlist
Test Steps
- Have the test app installed and logged in
- Have any particular content already added to watchlist prior to the testing
- Remove the content from watchlist for the user
Expected Results
- Verify SDK logs for removing a content to watchlist
Example: SDK logs will display an entry similar to the example below.
removeCustomerListEntries invoked by package: com.starz.starzplay.firetv with data: List(AmazonCustomerListEntry(addedTimestampMs=-1)) and AmazonCustomerListType: Watchlist. ****
Last updated: Mar 24, 2025