Throttling limits for APIs

When your website performs a given operation, the Amazon Pay service limits the number of requests that you can make in a given amount of time. This process of limiting, called throttling, protects the web service from being overwhelmed with requests and ensures that all authorized websites have access to the web service.

For definitions of throttling terminology and a complete explanation of throttling, see Throttling: Limits to how often you can submit requests in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.

Throttling limits for payment APIs

API Production Sandbox
Max Request Quota Restore Rate Max Request Quota Restore Rate
Authorize 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
CancelOrderReference 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
Capture 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
CloseAuthorization 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
CloseOrderReference 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
ConfirmOrderReference 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
GetAuthorizationDetails 20 2/sec 5 1/sec
GetCaptureDetails 20 2/sec 5 1/sec
GetOrderRefereceDetails 20 2/sec 5 1/sec
GetRefundDetails 20 2/sec 5 1/sec
GetServiceStatus 2 1 every 5 min 2 1 every 5 min
Refund 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
SetOrderAttributes 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
SetOrderReferenceDetails 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec

Throttling limits for recurring payment-specific APIs

API Production Sandbox
Max Request Quota Restore Rate Max Request Quota Restore Rate
AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
CloseBillingAgreement 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
ConfirmBillingAgreement 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
CreateOrderReferenceForId 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
GetBillingAgreementDetails 20 2/sec 5 1/sec
SetBillingAgreementDetails 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec
ValidateBillingAgreement 10 1/sec 2 1 every 2 sec