Error codes
The following table describes the various error codes that the Amazon Pay API section can return. For descriptions of error codes that are common to all Amazon MWS API sections, see Handling Errors in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.
Error code | HTTP status code | Description |
BillingAgreementConstraintsExist | 400 | The Billing Agreement object that you submitted in this request has constraints and cannot be confirmed. Consult the error message for a list of the constraints on the Billing Agreement object. |
BillingAgreementNotModifiable | 405 | The Billing Agreement object that you submitted in this request is confirmed and cannot be modified. |
CaptureNotRefundable | 405 | You have attempted a refund on a Capture object that is in a state where a refund is not allowed. |
ConstraintsExist | 404 | The Order Reference object that you submitted in this request has constraints and cannot be confirmed. Consult the error message for a list of the constraints on the Order Reference object. |
DuplicateReferenceId | 400 | The reference identifier that you have specified in this request was already used in a different Authorize, Capture, or Refund request and cannot be reused. |
DuplicateRequest | 400 | A request with the supplied AuthorizationReferenceId, CaptureReferenceId, or RefundReferenceId has already been processed with different parameters. |
InternalServerError | 500 | There was an unknown error in the service. |
InvalidAccountStatus | 403 | Your account is not in an appropriate state to execute this request. For example, your account has been suspended, you have not completed registration, and so on. |
InvalidAddress | 400 | You have provided an invalid section name or version in the request. |
InvalidAddressConsentToken | 404 | The AccessToken is not valid. Ensure that the token has not expired and that it belongs to the buyer on this contract. |
InvalidAuthorizationStatus | 405 | You have attempted to capture or close an authorization for an Authorization object that is in a state where a capture or close is not allowed. |
InvalidBillingAgreementId | 404 | The billing agreement identifier that you submitted in this request is invalid. |
InvalidBillingAgreementStatus | 405 | You have attempted to call an operation on a Billing Agreement object that is in a state where that operation is not allowed. |
InvalidCancelAttempt | 405 | The Order Reference object that you submitted in this request cannot be canceled for the supplied reason. |
InvalidCloseAttempt | 405 | The Billing Agreement object, Order Reference object, or Authorization object that you submitted in this request cannot be closed for the supplied reason. |
InvalidOrderReferenceId | 404 | The order reference identifier that you submitted in this request is invalid. |
InvalidOrderReferenceStatus | 405 | You have attempted to call an operation on an Order Reference object that is in a state where that operation is not allowed. |
InvalidParameterValue | 400 | You submitted a wrong value for at least one of the parameters of your API call. For details, check the Message element in the API response. |
InvalidSandboxSimulationSpecified | 400 | You have attempted an invalid operation for the sandbox environment. Consult the error message for more information. |
InvalidTransactionId | 404 | The transaction identifier that you submitted in this request is invalid. |
MissingAuthenticationToken | 401 | The request that you sent to the server does not have a valid signature. |
OrderReferenceCountExceeded | 403 | You have attempted to create more than the maximum allowed limit of one Order Reference object on a Billing Agreement object that is in the Draft state. |
OrderReferenceNotModifiable | 405 | The Order Reference object that you submitted in this request is confirmed and cannot be modified. |
PaymentMethodNotUpdated | 400 | The buyer did not choose an allowed payment method from the Amazon Wallet widget when they updated their address from the Amazon AddressBook widget. You have attempted to confirm the Billing Agreement object before the buyer has chosen an allowed payment method. |
PeriodicAmountExceeded | 400 | The Billing Agreement object that you submitted in this request has already been authorized for the specified amount in the specified time period. A new authorization cannot be accepted as the total authorization amount cannot exceed the specified limit. |
RequestThrottled | 503 | Your request has been rejected because the request rate is higher than the allocated throttling limits. |
ServiceUnavailable | 503 | The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. |
TransactionAmountExceeded | 400 |
You have attempted to authorize an Order Reference object for an amount that exceeds the maximum authorization amount allowed.
OR You have attempted to capture an Authorization object or refund a Capture object for an amount that exceeds the maximum capture or refund amount allowed. |
TransactionCountExceeded | 400 |
The number of authorizations, captures, or refunds has exceeded one of the following maximum allowed limits:
UnauthorizedAccess | 401 | The specified merchant account is not authorized to execute this request. |