Sets order attributes such as the order amount, seller order ID, store name, and custom information for the order.
Call the SetOrderAttributes operation to specify order attributes such as order amount, seller order ID, store name, seller note, platform ID, and custom information. The SetOrderAttributes operation also allows adding more information to an Order Reference object after the order is placed and an Order Reference object is confirmed
Request parameters
For more information about the request parameters that are required for all Amazon MWS operations, see Required request parameters in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
AmazonOrderReferenceId | Yes | String |
This value is retrieved from the Amazon Button widget after the buyer has successfully authenticated with Amazon.
Modifiable: No |
OrderAttributes | No | OrderAttributes |
The merchant-specified attributes of the order reference.
Modifiable: Yes (See Modifiable order attributes below). |
Modifiable order attributes
The SetOrderAttributes operation allows adding information to an Order Reference object or change it after the Order Reference was confirmed.
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
Amount | No | OrderTotal |
Specifies the total amount of the order represented by this Order Reference.
Modifiable: Only before Order Reference object is confirmed |
CurrencyCode | No | OrderTotal |
The currency code in ISO 4217 format, such as USD (dollars), EUR (euros), or GBP (pounds).
Modifiable: Only before Order Reference object is confirmed |
PaymentServiceProviderId | No | PaymentServiceProviderAttributes |
Payment Service Provider(PSP) specified attributes of the order reference.
Modifiable: Before Order Reference object is confirmed or only once after confirmation |
PaymentServiceProviderOrderId | No | PaymentServiceProviderAttributes |
Represent the order id created by the Payment Service Provider.
Modifiable: Before Order Reference object is confirmed or only once after confirmation |
SellerOrderId | No | SellerOrderAttributes |
The merchant-specified identifier of this order. This is shown to the buyer in their emails and transaction history on the Amazon Pay website.
The uniqueness of this value is not enforced by Amazon. Amazon recommends that you use only the following characters:
StoreName | No | SellerOrderAttributes |
The identifier of the store from which the order was placed. This overrides the default value in Seller Central under Settings > Account Settings. It is shown to the buyer in their emails and transaction history on the Amazon Pay website.
Modifiable: Before Order Reference object is confirmed or only once after confirmation |
CustomInformation | No | SellerOrderAttributes |
Any additional information that you want to include with this order reference.
Modifiable: In any state |
PlatformId | No | String |
Represents the SellerId of the Solution Provider that developed the eCommerce platform.
This value is only used by Solution Providers, for whom it is required. It should not be provided by merchants creating their own custom integration. Do not specify the SellerId of the merchant for this request parameter. If you are a merchant, do not enter a PlatformId. Modifiable: Only before Order Reference object is confirmed |
SellerNote | No | String |
Represents a description of the order that is displayed in emails to the buyer.
Modifiable: Before Order Reference object is confirmed or only once after confirmation |
Response elements
Element Name | Type | Description |
OrderReferenceDetails | OrderReferenceDetails | Encapsulates details about the Order Reference object and its current state. |
Example query request
POST /OffAmazonPayments/2013-01-01 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
Note the following requirements:
- The &Action must precede the &AmazonOrderReferenceId.
- The &SignatureMethod value of HmacSHA256 is case sensitive.
Example response
<SellerNote>Lorem ipsum</SellerNote>
<City>New York</City>