Developer Console

Enhance customer targeting with new Amazon Appstore messaging features

Diana Stansfield Feb 27, 2023
Launch Engage

New messaging features offer customized targeting opportunities to reach millions of Appstore customers, who have subscribed to a specific topic. Improve the relevancy and quality of push notifications with Group Based Messaging and Topic Based Messaging, by enabling target notifications to select groups of subscribed customers.

Increase app reach with Topic Based Messaging

With Topic Based Messaging, messages can be sent to multiple devices subscribed to a particular topic. Simply compose the messages, and let Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) handle the rest.

Notifications icon linking to Amazon Appstore SDK to reach individuals

For example, users of a weather forecasting app can opt into a location-specific topic and receive updates for their chosen location. Video steaming media app users can subscribe to genres of interest and receive automatic notifications for new releases in those genres.

Streamline communications with Group Based Messaging

Send one message to reach multiple devices through Group Based Messaging with a single API call. Group membership is managed by the app server to ensure you send your message to the appropriate group.

For example, you can target customers on different Fire TV device models about a special subscription promotion with one message.

Trigger sent using Amazon Appstore SDK that reaches a group of devices
Get Started with Amazon Device Messaging

If your current Appstore app already has Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) SDK enabled, access Group Based and Topic Based Messaging by directly calling the ADM APIs. Refer to the documentation for Group Based Messaging and Topic Based Messaging for more details.

If you're new to Amazon Appstore and you have an app using Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), download the A3L Messaging SDK, an app store-independent abstraction library that simplifies app reporting and maintenance.

To get started with A3L Messaging SDK, set up credentials for Firebase Cloud Messaging and Amazon Device Messaging. Refer to the getting started docs for next steps.

💡 Tip: Not sure which messaging SDK to use? Use our guided workflows to receive a compatibility report tailored to your app.

FCM, ADM, A3L feature comparison
FCM, ADM, A3L feature comparison chart
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