Beta Test Management REST API Reference

Use the Beta Test Management REST API to set up a beta test for a limited audience before you release your Alexa skill for production. Or, use this API to test changes to an existing skill and keep the live version of the skill available for the general public.

You can get feedback on your skill throughout the testing cycle, and reduce costs by making fixes before you release the skill to production. Beta testing can help increase your chances of skill success.

For more details about how to invite people to your test your skill, see Beta Tester Management REST API Reference.


Each API request must have an authorization header whose value is the access token retrieved from Login with Amazon (LWA). For details, see Get an Access Token for SMAPI.


The Beta Test Management API includes the following operations.

Operation HTTP method and URI

Create beta test

POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest

End beta test

POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest/end

Get beta test

GET /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest

Start beta test

POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest/start

Create beta test

Create a new beta test for the specified skill.


To create a beta test, you make a POST request to the betaTest resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



access token


LWA token.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 201 Created, along with a Location in the header that contains a URL to track the beta test. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

The response has no body.

Response body properties

The response has no body.

HTTP status codes

Status Description

201 Created

Request to create a beta test succeeded.
The response header contains a Location parameter that includes a URL to track the beta test.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "The property is outside the allowed range.",

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested resource not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

End beta test

End the beta test for the specified skill. By default, a beta test ends after 90 days. Use this API to end the test before 90 days.


To end a test, you make a POST request to the betaTest resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest/end
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



access token


LWA token.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 202 Accept. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

The response has no body.

Response body properties

The response has no body.

HTTP status codes

Status Description

202 Accept

Request to end the beta test succeeded.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "The property is outside the allowed range.",

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested resource not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Get beta test

Get the details about the beta test for a specified skill ID.


To get the beta test details, you make a GET request to the betaTest resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

GET /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: application/json

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



access token


LWA token.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 200 OK, along with details about the beta test. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

    "expiryDate": "2018-09-26T07:14:13.378Z",
    "status": "IN_DRAFT",
    "invitationUrl": "",
    "invitesRemaining": 500

Response body properties

Property Description Type


Date that the beta test expires.
Defined in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.



Status of the test.



URL to the beta test invitation.



Number of invitations that you can send for the beta test.


HTTP status codes

Status Description

200 OK

Response body contains details about the beta test.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "The property is outside the allowed range.",

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested resource not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Start beta test

Start the beta test for the specified skill. After you start the test, it can run for up to 90 days. After that, you can create a new beta test.


To start a test, you make a POST request to the betaTest resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/betaTest/start
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



access token


LWA token.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 202 Accept. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

The response has no body.

Response body properties

The response has no body.

HTTP status codes

Status Description

202 Accept

Request to start the beta test succeeded.
The response header contains a Location parameter that includes a URL to track the beta test.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "The property is outside the allowed range.",

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested resource not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

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Last updated: Aug 01, 2024