Standard Built-in Intents

The standard intents are used for common, general actions such as stopping, canceling, and asking for help.

To implement a standard built-in intent, include the intent in your intent schema and then add handling for the intent in your code. You do not need to provide any sample utterances for these intents, although you can if you want to extend the intent.

See Implement the Built-in Intents.

Available standard built-in intents

The following table summarizes the standard built-in intents with a subset of the utterances users can say to invoke these intents.

Unless otherwise noted, these intents are supported for skills in all supported languages.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • إلغاء
  • ألغي

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • مساعدة
  • ساعديني
  • ممكن مساعدة

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • وقّفي التكرار

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • تكرار
  • شغّل التكرار
  • ابدئي وضع التكرار

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • الجاية
  • التالية
  • البعدها

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • لا
  • لا لا

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • وقّفي التشغيل مؤقتا
  • أوقفي التطبيق مؤقتا

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • أرجع
  • الأخير
  • رجّعي

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • عيدي
  • مرّة ثانية
  • عيدي من البداية

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • استمرّي
  • استمرّ
  • كمّلي

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • أوّل اختيار
  • شوفي الاّوّل
  • أريد أوّل خيار
  • اختاري ذلك
  • شوفي الحاجة الأولى

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • ابعث إشعار لموبايلي
  • ابعثي المعلومات لجوّالي
  • نعم أرسليها

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • أنهي التبديل العشوائي
  • وقّفي وضع التبديل العشوائي

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • تبديل عشوائي
  • ابدئي التبديل العشوائي

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • ابدأ من البداية
  • ابدئي من جديد

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • أنهي
  • طفّي
  • بطّلي

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • ماشي
  • زين

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • annuleer
  • laat maar
  • vergeet het maar

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • help
  • help me
  • kun je me helpen

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • loop uit

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • loop
  • loop aan
  • blijf dit spelen

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • volgende
  • overslaan
  • vooruit spoelen

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • nee
  • nee dankje

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • pauze
  • pauzeer

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • ga terug
  • draai terug
  • teruggaan

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • herhaal
  • zeg dat nog eens
  • herhaal dat

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • hervat
  • doorgaan
  • blijf doorgaan

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • Selecteer dat item
  • Kies deze optie
  • Vierde optie kiezen
  • Selecteer derde item
  • Selecteer vijfde item
  • Kies bovenste resultaat
  • Laatste resultaat krijgen
  • Toon de eerste optie
  • Toon dat item

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • stuur een link naar mijn telefoon
  • Stuur het alsjeblieft
  • kunt u het naar mij sturen

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • stoppen met shufflen
  • shuffle uit
  • shuffle uitzetten

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • shuffle
  • shuffle aan
  • shuffle de muziek
  • shuffle modus

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • start opnieuw
  • herstart
  • opnieuw starten

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • stop
  • uit
  • mond dicht

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • ja
  • ja alsjeblieft
  • prima

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • cancel
  • never mind
  • forget it

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • help
  • help me
  • can you help me

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • loop off

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • loop
  • loop on
  • keep playing this

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • next
  • skip
  • skip forward

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • no
  • no thanks

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • pause
  • pause that

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • go back
  • skip back
  • back up

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • repeat
  • say that again
  • repeat that

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • resume
  • continue
  • keep going

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • Select that item
  • Pick this option
  • Get fourth option
  • Select third entry
  • Select fifth item
  • Get top result
  • Get last result
  • Show the first option
  • Show that item

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • send a link to my phone
  • send it please
  • can you send it to me

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • stop shuffling
  • shuffle off
  • turn off shuffle

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • shuffle
  • shuffle on
  • shuffle the music
  • shuffle mode

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • start over
  • restart
  • start again

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • stop
  • off
  • shut up

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • yes
  • yes please
  • sure

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • annule
  • cancelle

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • aide
  • aide-moi
  • j'ai besoin d'aide

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • arrête le mode boucle

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • mets en boucle

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • suivant
  • prochain
  • saute
  • passe

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • non
  • nan
  • absolument pas
  • hors de question
  • bien sûr que non

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • pause
  • pause ça

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • précédent
  • juste avant
  • celui d'avant
  • celui qui précède

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • répètes
  • redis
  • est-ce que tu peux répéter

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • reprends
  • continue

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • sélectionne cet article
  • choisis cette option
  • choisis la quatrième chose
  • sélectionne la troisième entrée
  • sélectionne le cinquième article
  • choisis le résultat en haut
  • choisis le dernier résultat
  • montre le premier choix
  • affiche la dernière option

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • envoie l'information
  • s'il te plaît envoie cette info
  • envoie la maintenant

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • arrête la lecture aléatoire

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • mélanger
  • mets la lecture aléatoire

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • recommence
  • commence à nouveau

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • arrête
  • stop
  • stoppe

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • oui
  • bien sûr
  • ouais
  • ouaip
  • exactement
  • correct
  • okay
  • d'accord

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • abbrechen
  • abbruch
  • vergiss es

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • hilfe (bitte)
  • hilf mir (bitte)
  • kannst du mir helfen (bitte)

Provide help about how to use the skill. See Alexa Design Guide for guidelines and examples about contextualized help.


  • deaktiviere loop
  • stoppe loop
  • stopp jetzt loop

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • starte loop
  • aktiviere loop
  • geloopt abspielen

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • weiter
  • bitte geh zum nächsten kapitel
  • zum nächsten gehen

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • nein
  • nein danke

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • pause (bitte)
  • unterbrechung
  • pausieren

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • vorheriges
  • spiele das letzte

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • wiederhole (bitte)
  • wiederhole das (bitte)
  • sag das noch mal (bitte)

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • mach weiter
  • weiterlesen
  • fortsetzen

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • könntest du diesen da auswählen
  • das nehm ich
  • ich nehme das zweite
  • kann ich den vierten nehmen
  • kannst du den fünften auswählen
  • könnte ich den obersten eintrag abrufen
  • ich nehme das untere
  • zeige mir das oberste ergebnis
  • zeig mir diesen artikel

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • schick den link
  • bitte schick diese info
  • sende diese info bitte

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • deaktiviere shuffle
  • stoppe shuffle
  • deaktiviere die Zufallswiedergabe

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • aktiviere shuffle
  • start den shuffle mode
  • aktiviere die Zufallswiedergabe

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • (bitte) von vorne (bitte)
  • neustart
  • beginne erneut

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • stopp
  • hör endlich auf
  • aufhören

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • ja
  • ja bitte

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • छोड़ो
  • cancel कर दो
  • रद्द करें

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • मदद करो
  • सहायता करो
  • मेरी help करो

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • loop करना बंद करो please
  • loop में मत बजाओ

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • loop में बजाओ
  • इसको loop कर दो

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • अगला
  • मुझे अगले वाला दो
  • अगला वाला

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • मुझे नहीं लगता
  • नहीं
  • ना

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • pause कर दो

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • पीछे जाना
  • पिछला वाला
  • पीछे जाओ

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • क्या कहा आपने
  • क्या क्या

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • फिर से चालू करो

Let the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • यह चुनो
  • इसको चुनो 
  • तीसरा उत्तर दिखाओ
  • मेरे लिए तीसरा select करो
  • चौथा वाला
  • सबसे ऊपर वाला उत्तर display करो
  • नीचे वाला select करो
  • पहला option show करें
  • यह चीज़ दिखाना

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • ये phone पर भेज दो
  • यह हमारे mobile पर भेजो
  • ये mobile पर भेज

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • shuffle off करना
  • shuffle बंद करना
  • shuffle करना बंद कर

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • shuffle करना
  • shuffle on कर
  • shuffle करो

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • फिर से शुरू करो
  • शुरू से शुरू करो

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • इसे बंद करो
  • बंद कर
  • चुप
  • Stop

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • हां
  • Yes

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • Annulla
  • Non importa
  • Lascia stare

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • Aiuto
  • Aiutami
  • Aiuto per favore

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • Spegni la modalità loop

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • La modalità loop
  • Vorrei attivare la modalità loop
  • Puoi attivare la modalità loop

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • Il prossimo
  • La prossima
  • Il successivo

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • No
  • No grazie

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • Metti in pausa
  • Mettila in pausa

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • Vai indietro
  • Ritorna indietro
  • Il precedente

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • Ripeti
  • Ripeti il passo
  • Ripetere

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • Riprendi
  • Continua
  • Riprendilo

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • voglio questa voce
  • vai su questo elemento
  • mi dai il primo risultato
  • ho bisogno del secondo articolo
  • il terzo per piacere
  • fammi vedere il numero sopra
  • fammi vedere la scelta in basso
  • mostraci il primo
  • scegli questo

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • invia un link al cellulare
  • per favore manda questo qui
  • puoi mandarmelo

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • Mi puoi disattivare la modalità casuale
  • Mi puoi disattivare la modalità shuffle
  • Puoi spegnere la modalità shuffle

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • Mi puoi attivare la modalità casuale
  • Mi puoi attivare la modalità shuffle

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • Comincia da capo
  • Ricomincia
  • Riinizia

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • Ferma
  • Smettila
  • Basta

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • Sì per favore
  • Certo

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • キャンセル
  • 取り消し
  • やめて

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • ヘルプ
  • どうすればいいの
  • 使い方を教えて

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • ループ再生オフ
  • ループ停止
  • ループ取り消し

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • ループ再生して
  • ループで流してくれる
  • ループでかけて

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • 次にスキップして
  • 次のに飛んで

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • いいえ
  • そうじゃない

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • 一時停止
  • 一旦停止して
  • ポーズして

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • 前に戻って
  • 前へ
  • 直前のへ

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • もう一度
  • もう一度言って
  • 繰り返して

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • 再開
  • 続けて
  • 続行して

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • これにする
  • それにして
  • 一つ目がいい
  • 三 番 目 を お 願い
  • 二番目にする
  • 一番最初のもの
  • 一番最後のやつ
  • 一番目のものを表示して
  • その結果を見せて

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • この情報をスマホに送って欲 し い
  • 私の携帯にリンクを送っ て
  • 私に送っ てくれる

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • シャッフル再生をオフにして
  • シャッフル止めて
  • シャッフル再生オフ

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • シャッフル再生して
  • ランダム再生して
  • あの曲をランダム再生して
  • シャッフルで流して

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • 最初から始めて
  • 最初に戻って
  • もう一度初めから

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • 止めて
  • ストップ
  • 中止して

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • はい
  • そうです
  • いいよ

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • cancelar
  • anule

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • ajuda
  • me ajude
  • pode me ajudar

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Help messages section in the Alexa Design Guide for more information about contextualized help.


  • desativar o loop

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • modo de repetição contínua

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • próxima
  • próximo
  • seguinte

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • não
  • não obrigado

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • aguarda
  • dê pausa
  • espera

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • voltar ao anterior
  • anterior
  • voltar atrás

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • de novo
  • novamente
  • repita isso

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • continuar
  • retoma
  • prossiga

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • selecionar aquele item
  • escolha essa por favor
  • selecione a segunda opção na lista
  • a sexta opção na lista
  • selecionar o primeiro resultado da lista
  • selecione o número de cima
  • selecione o último item por favor
  • mostrar primeiro número
  • me mostre este número por favor

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • me envie aquela info
  • por favor mandar isto
  • me envie isto

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • desativar o modo de reprodução aleatória
  • modo aleatório desativado
  • desligue a ordem aleatória

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • ativar o modo de reprodução aleatória
  • modo aleatório ativado
  • ative o modo aleatório nessa música

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • recomeçar
  • começa de novo
  • inicie novamente

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • parar

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • sim
  • sim por favor
  • certamente

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

Intent Common Utterances Purpose


  • cancela
  • olvídalo
  • cancela eso

Either of the following:

  • Lets the user cancel a transaction or task (but remain in the skill)
  • Lets the user completely exit the skill

See below for more about canceling and stopping.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.CancelIntent is not in your intent schema.


Varies. This intent uses an out-of-domain model generated based on your interaction model. See Provide a Fallback for Unmatched Utterances

Provides a fallback for user utterances that do not match any of your skill's intents. Your AMAZON.FallbackIntent handler can give the user more details on what your skill does and how they can interact with it.


  • ayuda
  • ayúdame

Provides help about how to use the skill. See the Alexa Design Guide for guidelines and examples for contextual help.


  • apaga repetición continua
  • desactivar la repetición continua

Lets the user request that the skill turn off a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • repetición continua
  • activa la repetición continua

Lets the user request that the skill turn on a loop or repeat mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.LoopOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • siguiente
  • próxima

Lets the user navigate to the next item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.NextIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • no
  • no gracias

Lets the user provide a negative response to a yes/no question for confirmation.


  • pausa
  • puedes pausar

Lets the user pause an action in progress, such as pausing a game or pausing an audio track that is playing.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • a la previa
  • previa

Lets the user go back to a previous item in a list.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.PreviousIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • repite
  • puedes repetir

Lets the user request to repeat the last action.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.RepeatIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • reanuda
  • continúa
  • por favor reanuda

Lets the user resume or continue an action.

You must implement this intent if your skill streams audio using the AudioPlayer interface. Users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio.


  • cogeré ese elemento
  • elige este resultado
  • seleccione el quinto artículo
  • seleccionar la octava entrada
  • seleccione el tercer artículo de la lista
  • por favor enseñe el de arriba
  • consigue el último artículo
  • enseña esa opción
  • muéstra me ese artículo

Lets users indicate that they want to select a particular item, such as an item on a list. This intent includes four slots that collect the details about the selected item: Anaphor, ListPosition, PositionRelation, and VisualModeTrigger. For details, see Let users select items with SelectIntent.


  • envía esa a móvil
  • por favor envía ese
  • me puedes mandar esa

Lets the user send information and search results to their phone. For details, see About Alexa for Apps V2.


  • apaga modo aleatorio
  • apaga el modo aleatorio
  • para de mezclar

Lets the user request that the skill turn off shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • activa el modo aleatorio
  • activa modo aleatorio
  • activa modo mezcla

Lets the user request that the skill turn on shuffle mode, usually for audio skills that stream a playlist of tracks.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • empieza de nuevo
  • empieza otra vez

Lets the user request to restart an action, such as restarting a game, transaction, or audio track.

For skills that stream audio using the AudioPlayer interface, users can invoke this intent without using your invocation name if your skill is currently playing audio or was the most recent skill to play audio. The intent is sent to your skill in this case even if AMAZON.StartOverIntent is not in your intent schema.


  • para
  • apagar
  • callar

Exits the skill. Your skill must implement this intent and shouldEndSession must be true or null in the response.

See below for more about canceling and stopping.


  • sí por favor
  • claro

Lets the user provide a positive response to a yes/no question for confirmation.

About canceling and stopping

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "ألغي" have a meaning distinct from "بطّلي." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: أليكسا،افتحي رزنامة الفعاليّات.

رزنامة الفعاليّات: . مرحبا بك في رزنامة الفعاليّات. قل اسم المدينة التي تود معرفة الفعاليّات فيها
User: اتركيه (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

رزنامة الفعاليّات: مع السلامة (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)

(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.\

البيتزا حقّي: التحقق من الطلبية لبيتزا بيبيروني كبيرة و بيتزا الفطر. هل هذا صحيح؟
User: ألغي (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

البيتزا حقّي: إلغاء الطلبية. تبغى تطلب شي ثاني؟ (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: اطلبي بيتزا مارغريتا ايطالية صغيرة (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: اليكسا، اطلبي من رزنامة الفعاليّات معلومات عن الفعاليات في جدّة.

رزنامة الفعاليّات: اليوم في جدّة المعرض السنوي للكتاب … (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: اليكسا، كافي (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

رزنامة الفعاليّات: مع السلامة (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "annuleer" have a meaning distinct from "stop." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, Open Dagelijkse Horoscoop.

Dagelijkse Horoscoop: Dagelijkse Horoscoop: Welkom bij de dagelijkse horoscoop. Welk sterrenbeeld ben jij?
User: Laat maar. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Dagelijkse Horoscoop: Oke, tot ziens!. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
Mijn Pizza: Bevestiging van bestelling voor een grote pizza met pepperoni en champignons. Is dat correct?
User: Annuleer. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Mijn Pizza: Ik Annuleer de bestelling. Wil je iets anders bestellen? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Bestel een kleine pepperoni pizza (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, vraag de Getijdenkalender naar het volgende hoogwater in Zandvoort aan Zee

Getijdenkalender: Vandaag in Zanvoort aan Zee is het hoogwater… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, Stop. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

Getijdenkalender: Tot ziens!. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "cancel" have a meaning distinct from "stop." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, Open Tide Pooler.

Tide Pooler: Welcome to Tide Pooler. Which city would you like tide information for?
User: Never mind. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Tide Pooler: Good-bye. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
My Pizza: Confirming order for a large pepperoni and mushroom pizza. Is that correct?
User: Cancel. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

My Pizza: Canceling order. Did you want to order something else? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Order a small Italian sausage pizza. (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, Ask Tide Pooler for high tides in Monterey.

Tide Pooler: Today in Monterey, the first high tide… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, Stop. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

Tide Pooler: Good-bye. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "cancel" have a meaning distinct from "stop." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, démarre voyages en ville.

Voyages en Ville: Voyages en Ville: Bienvenue sur Voyages en Ville. Quelle ville souhaitez-vous visiter ?
User: Laisse tomber. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Alexa: Voyages en Ville: Bye. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
Ma Pizza Rouge: Vous confirmez votre commande d'une grande pizza champignons. Est-ce correct?
User: Annule. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Ma Pizza Rouge: J'annule cette commande. Souhaitez-vous autre chose? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Je veux plutôt une petite pizza pepperoni. (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, demande à Voyages en Ville les heures d'ouverture de l'atonium à Bruxelles.

Voyages en Ville: Voyages en Ville: L'atonium à Bruxelles est ouvert de 10 heures a 18 heures tous les jours de la semaine… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, arrête. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

Voyages en Ville: Bye. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "abbrechen" have a meaning distinct from "stopp." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, Öffne Tageshoroskop.

Tageshoroskop: Wilkommen bei Tageshoroskop. Welches Sternzeichen bist du?
User: Vergiss es. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Tageshoroskop: Alles klar, tschüss. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits)

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
Meine Pizza: Du möchtest also eine große Pepperoni Pizza mit Champignons, ist das richtig?
User: Abbrechen. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Meine Pizza: Die Bestellung wurde abgebrochen. Möchtest du noch was anderes bestellen? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Bestelle eine kleine Käsepizza. (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, frage Gezeitenkalendar nach der nächsten Flut in Bremerhaven.

Gezeitenkalender: Heute in Bremerhaven ist die nächste Flut um 17:50 Uhr. Die… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, Stopp. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

Gezeitenkalender: Ciao. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "cancel" have a meaning distinct from "stop." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, शहर की जानकारी खोलो.

शहर की जानकारी: शहर की जानकारी में आपका स्वागत है. आप किस शहर के लिए जानकारी लेना पसंद करेंगे?
User: छोड़ो. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

शहर की जानकारी: अलविदा. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
मेरा Pizza: आपको एक बड़ा Chicken और Mushroom Pizza चाहिए. क्या ये सही हैं?
User: रद्द करो. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

मेरा Pizza: आदेश रद्द किया. क्या आपको कुछ और मंगवाना हैं? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: एक छोटा पनीर टिक्का Pizza मंगवाओ. (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, शहर की जानकारी से मंबई के बारे में पूछो.

शहर की जानकारी: मुंबई भारत का … (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, चुप. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

शहर की जानकारी: अलविदा. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "annulla" have a meaning distinct from "ferma." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, Apri Vacanze in Città.

Vacanze in Città: Benvenuto a Vacanze in Città. Quale città vorresti visitare?
User: Lascia stare. (Vacanze in Città sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Vacanze in Città: Ciao. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
La Mia Pizza: Vuoi confermare un ordine per una pizza grande con prosciutto e funghi. È corretto?
User: Annulla. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

La Mia Pizza: Ordine annullato. Vuoi ordinare qualcos'altro? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Ordina una pizza con salsiccia. (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, Domanda a Vacanze in Città se può dirmi gli orari del Colosseo.

Vacanze in Città: Il Colosseo è aperto tutti i giorni e segue i seguenti orari… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, basta. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

Vacanze in Città: Ciao (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling (キャンセル) and stopping (停止) for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "キャンセル" have a meaning distinct from "停止." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: アレクサ、潮汐情報を開いて。

潮汐情報: 潮汐情報へようこそ。どの都市の潮汐情報を知りたいですか?
User: 取り消して。 (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Alexa: さようなら。 (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
My Pizza: ご注文はLサイズのペパロニとマッシュルームピザです。これでよろしいですか?
User: キャンセル。 (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

My Pizza: 注文をキャンセルします。他にも注文はありますか? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Sサイズのイタリアンソーセージピザを注文して。 (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: アレクサ、潮汐情報に神戸の満潮時を聞いて。

潮汐情報: 今日の神戸の最初の満潮は… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: アレクサ、止めて。 (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

潮汐情報: さようなら。 (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "cancel" have a meaning distinct from "stop." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, abre a Marés altas

Marés Altas: Marés Altas: Bem-vindo à Marés Altas. Qual a cidade litorânea que você deseja saber mais informações sobre a maré?
User: cancelar. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Alexa: Marés Altas: Tchau. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
Minha Pizza: Confirmando o seu pedido: uma pizza grande de calabresa e cogumelos. Correto?
User: cancelar. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Minha Pizza: Pedido cancelado. Deseja algo mais? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Pedir uma pizza pequena de salsicha. (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, pergunta para Marés Altas sobre a maré no Rio de Janeiro.

Marés Altas: Marés Altas: Hoje, a primeira maré alta no Rio de Janeiro… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, parar. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

Marés Altas: Tchau. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Separate intents are provided for canceling and stopping for situations in which your skill needs to distinguish between the two concepts. This lets "cancel" have a meaning distinct from "stop." Handle these intents as follows:

Example of using AMAZON.CancelIntent to exit a skill:

User: Alexa, abre Mareas Altas.

Mareas Altas: Bienvenido a Mareas Altas. De qué ciudad quieres saber la marea?
User: Olvídalo. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Mareas Altas: Adiós. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Alternative use of AMAZON.CancelIntent to cancel a transaction, but remain within the skill:

…earlier portion of interaction, with the user ordering a pizza.
Mi Pizza: Confirmando una orden para una pizza grande de queso. Es correcto?
User: Cancela. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.CancelIntent)

Mi Pizza: Cancelando la orden. Deaseas algo más? (Response asks a question and keeps the session open by setting shouldEndSession to false.)
User: Ordena una pizza pequeña de setas. (User's new request mapped to an appropriate skill-specific intent)

…(interaction continues)

Also note that users can use the wake word to interrupt Alexa while she is speaking a response. This is often used to stop a skill during lengthy text to speech. If the user's command maps to one of your intents (either a custom intent or one of the built-in intents), your service receives an IntentRequest like normal. For example:

User: Alexa, pregúntale a Mareas Altas por la marea en Santander.

Mareas Altas: Hoy en Santander, la primera marea alta… (Interrupt Alexa before the skill completes the response)
User: Alexa, para. (Sends an IntentRequest with an AMAZON.StopIntent)

Mareas Altas: Adiós. (Response closes the session by setting the shouldEndSession flag to true)
(Skill exits).

Provide a fall back for unmatched utterances

The AMAZON.FallbackIntent is considered when the user's spoken input cannot be matched with confidence to any of the other intents in the skill. AMAZON.FallbackIntent is designed as an out-of-domain model that can pick up user input that does not fit into your skill's intended design.

When you build your interaction model, the sample utterances that you provide serve as "hints" to help Alexa pick the best match for user utterances that you have not predicted. The out-of-domain model for AMAZON.FallbackIntent can help your skill handle many utterances that may not confidently map to your skill's defined sample utterances and intents.

The AMAZON.FallbackIntent built-in intent is selected by a statistical model, which means that it is evaluated with all of custom intents defined in your interaction model for the likelihood that the user utterance is out-of-domain for your skill. Much like your custom intents, utterances can be selected for AMAZON.FallbackIntent with high, medium, or low confidence. If Alexa is more confident that an utterance should map to one of your custom intents, that intent is selected. If Alexa is confident that the utterance is out-of-domain for your skill, AMAZON.FallbackIntent is selected instead. If there is very low confidence for all intents, such as unintelligible speech or background noise, your skill's reprompt may be triggered instead.

As with all built-in intents, you provide a handler that can give the user an appropriate response. This is usually a prompt to let the user know that they asked for something your skill does not do and provide guidance back to your skill's functionality. Your prompt should also remind the user that they are interacting with your skill. For example:

User: Alexa, open Plan My Trip

Alexa: Let's plan a trip. Where did you want to go?
User: What's the weather in Chicago? (This utterance does not match any of the intents in Plan my Trip.)

Since Alexa cannot match this utterance to an intent with confidence, Alexa sends the skill AMAZON.FallbackIntent.
Alexa: The Plan My Trip skill can't help with that, but I can help you look up flights and plan trips to other places. Where would you like to go? (The response includes the skill's name to help re-orient the user.)

AMAZON.FallbackIntent when you delegate the dialog

When you delegate the dialog to Alexa, Alexa can automatically prompt the user to fill in required slots in a dialog, based on a defined dialog model. The AMAZON.FallbackIntent is not normally triggered during this dialog. When Alexa prompts the user to fill a required slot, the voice model is biased to listen for the specific utterances defined for that slot in the dialog model. If the user says something that would be "out-of-domain", Alexa asks for the slot again.

However, if you extend AMAZON.FallbackIntent with additional utterances, those extended utterances can trigger the intent even during slot elicitation.

AMAZON.FallbackIntent and intent request history

You can access aggregated and anonymized utterances with the Intent Request History API or the Intent History page in the developer console. This gives you a view into how users interact with your skill. You can view the utterances and the intents that Alexa triggered.

This is especially useful if you use AMAZON.FallbackIntent since you can see the utterances that users attempted to use when interacting with your skill. This is a useful way to see functionality users may be expecting, or common misspoken phrases that you may want to add to your skill. In the "plan my trip" example, if a large number of users often ask about the weather in a destination city, you may want to add this functionality to the skill. You can also use the intent request history to determine whether you need to make adjustments to AMAZON.FallbackIntent, as described later.

Note that the intent request history data does not provide all utterances for your skill. For details, see:

Extend AMAZON.FallbackIntent with custom utterances

You can extend AMAZON.FallbackIntent with more utterances. Add utterances when you identify a small number of utterances that invoke custom intents, but should invoke AMAZON.FallbackIntent instead. For large number of utterances that route incorrectly, consider adjusting AMAZON.FallbackIntent sensitivity instead.

See Extend a Built-in Intent with Sample Utterances.

Adjust AMAZON.FallbackIntent sensitivity

The fallbackIntentSensitivity setting is available in the following locales:

  • English (All)

  • German (DE)

If AMAZON.FallbackIntent doesn't capture the utterances you expect, consider changing the fallbackIntentSensitivity setting. Changing the sensitivity setting has the greatest effect for skills that receive a wide range of unsupported requests that map to custom intents. By default, fallbackIntentSensitivity is RECOMMENDED, which means that Amazon selects the sensitivity setting for your skill.

You can set the sensitivity to any of the available values RECOMMENDED, LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. As the sensitivity increases,AMAZON.FallbackIntent captures more user utterances that aren't supported by your custom intents. To decide whether to change the setting, review your users' utterances in the Intent History.

Consider leaving the sensitivity at the default value of RECOMMENDED unless you want to select the sensitivity based on your analysis of the skill and the behavior of users.

Consider setting the sensitivity to MEDIUM or HIGH in the following scenarios:

  • Your skill has a small number of specific use cases that users trigger with specific phrasing, and those phrases are fully covered in your interaction model.

    For example, if most of the responses in your skill are covered by "yes/no" or "true/false" utterances, increasing sensitivity helps AMAZON.FallbackIntent capture requests outside of your supported functionality.

  • Your users often make requests for functionality that your skill doesn't yet support.

    For example, assume your skill delivers traffic updates, but also receives a lot of requests for directions. Increasing sensitivity helps AMAZON.FallbackIntent capture those requests that are outside of the functionality of your skill.

  • You are confident that your interaction model covers all or most utterances that you want to support, so you want everything else to route to AMAZON.FallbackIntent.

    For example, assume your skill prompts users to reply with clearly-defined responses that are covered in your interaction model. Increasing sensitivity helps AMAZON.FallbackIntent capture utterances outside of this expected dialog.

Consider setting the sensitivity to LOW in the following scenarios:

  • You are satisfied with the set of utterances routed to AMAZON.FallbackIntent versus those routed to custom intents. In this scenario, increasing sensitivity might inadvertently redirect utterances that should route to custom intents.
  • The use case for your skill requires a large number of different words and phrases that might not be in your sample utterances, but should still map to your custom intents.

    For example, consider a trivia or game skill where users often respond with wrong answers. These incorrect answers are not covered by your interaction model, but you still want these utterances to route to your custom intents. Increasing sensitivity in this scenario might unintentionally send these incorrect guesses to AMAZON.FallbackIntent.

To adjust the AMAZON.FallbackIntent sensitivity

Use either the ASK CLI or JSON Editor to update the interactionModel.languageModel.modelConfiguration.fallbackIntentSensitivity.level setting in the JSON for your interaction model. Set fallbackIntentSensitivity.level to HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW.

  "interactionModel": {
    "languageModel": {
      "invocationName": "...",
      "intents": [],
      "types": [],
      "modelConfiguration": {
        "fallbackIntentSensitivity": {
          "level": "HIGH"
    "dialog": {},
    "prompts": []

To see the full interaction model schema, see Interaction Model Schema.

To update your interaction model with the ASK CLI, use the deploy command. For ASK CLI examples, see Deploy a skill project to the development stage.

To update your interaction model with the developer console, edit the JSON in the JSON Editor, then save and build the model.

Let users select items with SelectIntent

The AMAZON.SelectIntent built-in intent lets users indicate that they want to select an item. Unlike the other standard built-in intents, AMAZON.SelectIntent has four slots that collect information about the item the user wants to select.

AMAZON.SelectIntent slots

Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "هذا"and "ذلك":

  • "اختاري ذلك": ذلك
  • "اختاري هذا الخيار": هذا



Captures an ordinal position such as "أول" or "ثاني" and converts it to a number:

  • "اختاري رابع خيار": 4
  • "اختاري ثالث خيار": 3
  • "اختاري خامس خيار": 5



Captures words the represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "الأعلى", "الأسفل", or "آخر":

  • اختاري الخيار الأعلى : الأعلى
  • اختاري آخر خيار: آخر



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "اعرضي":

  • اعرضي أوّل خيار: اعرضي

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "اعرضي الحاجةالأولى*" would return اعرضي in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "dit", "dat", and "het".

  • "Selecteer dat ding": dat
  • "Kies deze optie": dit



Captures an ordinal position such as "eerste" or "tweede" and converts it to a number:

  • "Kies de vierde optie": 4
  • "Selecteer het derde item": 3
  • "Selecteer het vijfde onderwerp": 5



Captures words the represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "bovenste", "onderste", or "laatste":

  • Laat me het bovenste resultaat zien: bovenste
  • Laat me het laatste artikel zien: laatste



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "tonen" or "weergeven".

  • Toon de eerste optie: toon
  • Geef dat item weer: geef weer

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "laat het eerste item zien" would return laat zien in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "this", "that", and "it".

  • "Select that item": that
  • "Pick this option": this



Captures an ordinal position such as "first" or "second" and converts it to a number:

  • "Get the fourth option": 4
  • "Select third entry": 3
  • "Select fifth item": 5



Captures words the represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "top", "bottom", or "last":

  • Get top result: top
  • Get last result: last



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "show" or "display".

  • Show the first option: show
  • Display that item: display

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "show the first item" would return show in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "cet", "cette", and "ça":

  • Sélectionne cet article: cet
  • Choisis cette option: cette



Captures an ordinal position such as "premier" or "deuxième" and converts it to a number:

  • Choisis la quatrième chose: 4
  • Sélectionne la troisième entrée: 3
  • Sélectionne le cinquième article: 5



Captures words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "haut", "bas", or "dernier":

  • Choisis le résultat en haut: haut
  • Choisis le dernier résultat: dernier



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "montre" or "affiche":

  • Montre le premier choix: montre
  • Affiche la dernière option: affiche

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "montre le premier choix" would return montre in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "die", "das", and "diesen":

  • "Könntest du diesen da auswählen": diesen
  • "Das nehm ich": das



Captures an ordinal position such as "erste" or "sweite" and converts it to a number:

  • Ich nehme das zweite: 2
  • Kann ich den vierten nehmen: 4
  • Kannst du den fünften auswählen: 5



Captures words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "obersten", "untere", or "letzte":

  • Könnte ich den obersten eintrag abrufen: obersten
  • Ich nehme das untere: untere



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "zeige" or "öffne":

  • Zeige mir das oberste ergebnis: zeige
  • Zeig mir diesen artikel: zeig

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "Öffne den vierten item" would return öffne in VisualModeTrigger and 4 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "यह", "इसको", and "उस"

  • यह चुनो: यह
  • इसको चुनो: इसको 



Captures an ordinal position such as "पहली" or "दूसरा" and converts it to a number:

  • तीसरा उत्तर दिखाओ: 3
  • मेरे लिए तीसरा select करो: 3
  • चौथा वाला: 5



Captures words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "ऊपर", "नीचे", or "last":

  • सबसे ऊपर result: ऊपर
  • नीचे वाला select करो: नीचे



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "show" or "दिखाना":

  • पहला option show करें: show
  • यह चीज़ दिखाना : दिखाना

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "पहला * option *show करें" would return show in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "questa", "questo", and "quello":

  • Voglio questa voce: questa
  • Vai su questo elemento: questo



Captures an ordinal position such as "primo" or "secondo" and converts it to a number:

  • Mi dai il primo risultato: 1
  • Ho bisogno del secondo articolo: 2
  • Il terzo per piacere: 3



Captures words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "sopra", "basso", or "ultimo":

  • Fammi vedere il numero sopra: sopra
  • Fammi vedere la scelta in basso: basso



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "mostra" or "scegli":

  • Mostraci il primo: mostra
  • Scegli questo: scegli

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "Mostra il primo articolo" would return mostra in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "これ", "それ", and "あれ":

  • これ にする: これ
  • それ にして: それ



Captures an ordinal position such as "一" or "二" and converts it to a number:

  • つ目がいい: 1
  • 番 目 を お 願い: 3
  • 番目にする: 2



Captures words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "一番最初", "一番下", or "一番最後":

  • 一番最初 のもの: 一番最初
  • 一番最後 のやつ: 一番最後



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "表示して" or "見せて":

  • 一番目のものを表示して: 表示して
  • その結果を見せて: 見せて

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "一番 目見せて" would return 見せて in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "aquele", "essa", and "isto":

  • Selecionar aquele item: aquele
  • Escolha essa por favor: essa



Captures an ordinal position such as "primeiro" or "segunda" and converts it to a number:

  • Selecionar o primeiro resultado da lista: 1
  • Selecione a segunda opção na lista: 2
  • A sexta opção na lista: 6



Captures words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "cima", "topo", or "último":

  • Selecione o número de cima: cima
  • Selecione o último item por favor: último



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "show" or "display":

  • Mostrar primeiro número: mostrar
  • Me mostre este número por favor: mostre

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "Mostrar primeiro número" would return mostrar in VisualModeTrigger and 1 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.
Slot name Description/Example Slot type


Captures words that are anaphors representing an item, such as "ese", "este", and "eso":

  • Cogeré ese elemento: ese
  • Elige este resultado: este



Captures an ordinal position such as "primer" or "segundo" and converts it to a number:

  • Seleccione el quinto artículo: 5
  • Seleccionar la octava entrada: 8
  • Seleccione el tercer artículo de la lista: 3



Captures words that represent the relative position of an item in a list, such as "de arriba", "inferior", or "último":

  • Por favor enseñe el de arriba: de arriba
  • Consigue el último artículo: último



Captures words that indicate the user is expecting a visual response, such as "enseña" or "muéstra":

  • Enseña esa opción: enseña
  • Muéstra me ese artículo: muéstra

Note that you may get a value in this slot in combination with any of the other AMAZON.SelectIntent slots. For instance, the utterance "Por favor muestra el tercer elemento" would return muestra in VisualModeTrigger and 3 in ListPosition. See an example.


You cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent

Unlike the other standard built-in intents, you cannot extend AMAZON.SelectIntent with your own custom utterances.

Example: IntentRequest with the ListPostion and VisualModeTrigger slots

This example illustrates an utterance that specifies both an ordinal list position and a word that indicate the user expects a visual response. The IntentRequest includes both VisualModeTrigger and ItemPosition slots.

User: Show the fifth result

  "request": {
    "type": "IntentRequest",
    "requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.xxxxxxxx-xxxx",
    "timestamp": "2018-09-21T23:13:30Z",
    "locale": "en-US",
    "intent": {
      "name": "AMAZON.SelectIntent",
      "confirmationStatus": "NONE",
      "slots": {
        "ListPosition": {
          "name": "ListPosition",
          "value": "5",
          "confirmationStatus": "NONE"
        "Anaphor": {
          "name": "Anaphor",
          "confirmationStatus": "NONE"
        "VisualModeTrigger": {
          "name": "VisualModeTrigger",
          "value": "show",
          "confirmationStatus": "NONE"
        "PositionRelation": {
          "name": "PositionRelation",
          "confirmationStatus": "NONE"

Available standard built-in intents for Alexa-enabled devices with a screen

For Alexa-enabled devices with a screen, the standard built-in intents are available, as well as built-in intents meant specifically for screen display. The intents for screen display include intents that Alexa handles for the skill, as well as built-in intents that you must handle in your code.

Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen Common Utterances
  1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
  2. AMAZON.NextIntent
  1. الأخير, رجعّي, أرجع
  2. البعدها

Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.

  1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
  2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
  3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent

  4. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
  5. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
  6. AMAZON.MoreIntent
  7. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
  8. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
  1. اذهب للأعلى
  2. اتّجه إلى اليسار
  3. اذهبي للأسفل, اذهب للأسفل
  4. اذهب إلى الصفحة فوق هذه, اذهبي إلى الصفحة فوق هذه
  5. اذهب إلى أسفل هذه الصفحة, اذهبي إلى أسفل هذه الصفحة
  6. أحتاج المزيد, أحتاج المزيد من التفاصيل
  7. رجّعي للشاشة الرئيسيّة (Navigate user to the device home screen. The skill session ends.)
  8. أبغى أشوف الإعدادات (Navigate user to the Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.)
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. Vorige pagina, laatste pagina, go terug
2. Volgende pagina
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. Scroll naar boven
2. Scroll naar links, scroll terug
3. Scroll naar beneden
4. Scroll rechts, scroll naar voren
5. pagina omhoog
6. Pagina omlaag
7. Laat meer zien
8. Navigate user to the device home screen. The skill session will end.
9. Navigate user to the Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. Previous page, last page, go back
2. Next page
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. Scroll up
2. Scroll left, scroll back
3. Scroll down
4. Scroll right, scroll forward
5. Page up
6. Page down
7. Show more
8. Navigate user to the device home screen. The skill session will end.
9. Navigate user to the Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Echo Show Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. page précédente
2. page suivante
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. Monte, remonte, plus haut
2. Va à gauche, à gauche
3. Descends, plus bas
4. Va à droite, à droite
5. Va à la page précédente
6. Va à la page suivante
7. Plus, davantage
8. Va à l'accueil (*Navigate user to the Echo Show home screen. The skill session will end.*)
9. affiche les paramètres (*Navigate user to the Echo Show Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.*)
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. Vorherige Seite, letzte Seite, gehe zurück
2. Nächste Seite
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. Hochscrollen
2. Nach Links scrollen, scrolle zurück
3. Nach unten scrollen
4. Nach rechts scrollen, scrolle nach vorne
5. Gehe zur Seite darüber
6. Gehe zur Seite darunter
7. Mehr anzeigen
8. Gehe auf die Startseite
9. Gehe zu den Einstellungen

Note that the Utterances for `AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent` and `AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent` will close the session.
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. पीछे जाना, पिछला वाला
2. अगला, अगला वाला
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. ऊपर करो
2. बाईं ओर ले जा
3. नीचे करो
4. दाईं ओर ले जा
5. पन्ना ऊपर
6. page नीचे
7. मुझे और बताओ
8. home पे ले जाओ
9. मुझको settings दिखाओ
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Echo Show Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. il precedente, vai indietro
2. il prossimo, il seguente
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. Scorri verso l'alto
2. Scorri a sinistra
3. Scorri verso il basso
4. Scorri a destra
5. Vai alla pagina sopra
6. Vai alla pagina seguente
7. Mostrami più cose simili
8. Apri la pagina principale (Navigate user to the Echo Show home screen. The skill session will end.)
9. Vai al menu del dispositivo (Navigate user to the Echo Show Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.)
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. 前のページ, 直前のページ, 戻る
2. 次のページ
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. 上にスクロールして
2. 左にスクロールして、左へ行って
3. 下にスクロールして
4. 右にスクロールして、右へ行って
5. 上のページ
6. 次のページ
7. 詳しく表示
8. Navigate user to the device home screen. The skill session will end.
9. Navigate user to the Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen Common Utterances
Yes1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. A Página anterior, a última página, voltar para trás
2. A próxima página
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. Ir para cima
2. Ir para esquerda, vai pra esquerda
3. Ir para baixo
4. Ir para direita, vai pra direita
5. Ir para a página de cima
6. Ir para a página debaixo
7. Saber mais
8. Ir para a tela da home. Navigate user to the device home screen. The skill session will end.
9. Vai nas configurações. Navigate user to the Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.
Skill Developer Handles Intent? Intents for Echo Show Common Utterances
Yes 1. AMAZON.PreviousIntent
2. AMAZON.NextIntent
1. a la anterior, anterior, pon me la anterior
2. a la próxima página
Note that the utterances for AMAZON.PreviousIntent map to clicking the back button.
No 1. AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
2. AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
3. AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
4. AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent
5. AMAZON.PageUpIntent
6. AMAZON.PageDownIntent
7. AMAZON.MoreIntent
8. AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent
9. AMAZON.NavigateSettingsIntent
1. ve hacia arriba
2. ve a la izquierda
3. ve hacia abajo
4. ve a la derecha
5. a la página arriba
6. a la página abajo
7. muéstrame más cosas similares
8. página de inicio. Navigate user to the Echo Show home screen. The skill session will end.
9. abre ajustes. Navigate user to the Echo Show Device Settings screen, and the skill session will continue.

Include the built-in intents you want to use in your interaction model. When you refer to an intent in your code, be sure to include the full intent name, including the AMAZON prefix.

Scroll intents

The AMAZON.Scroll* intents let the user scroll the content on the screen. The intent works with the APL ScrollView, Sequence, and GridSequence components.

  • AMAZON.ScrollUpIntent
  • AMAZON.ScrollLeftIntent
  • AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent
  • AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent

To enable voice-based scrolling for an APL component, you must assign the component an id.

Alexa handles the intents automatically. You don't need to include handlers for these intents in your skill code.

Page intents

The AMAZON.Page* intents are equivalent to the AMAZON.ScrollUp and AMAZON.ScrollDown intents and let the user scroll through content a page at at time. The intent works with the APL ScrollView, Sequence, and GridSequence components.

  • AMAZON.PageUpIntent
  • AMAZON.PageDownIntent

To enable voice-based scrolling for an APL component, you must assign the component an id.

Alexa handles the intents automatically. You don't need to include handlers for these intents in your skill code.


The AMAZON.MoreIntent advances the content to show more of the content and is therefore similar to the AMAZON.ScrollDownIntent and AMAZON.ScrollRightIntent intents. The intent works with the ScrollView, Sequence, and GridSequence components.

To enable voice-based scrolling for an APL component, you must assign the component an id.

Alexa handles the intents automatically. You don't need to include handlers for these intents in your skill code.


The AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent is active on only screen devices where it exits the skill and returns customers to the home screen. Common commands are "Alexa, go home", "Alexa, go to the home screen", and "Alexa, go to my home page".

This intent is automatically added to your interaction model after you save your model. The intent is handled by Alexa so you do not need to create an intent handler for it as long as your skill properly handles "exit" requests as required. If your skill has a custom utterance that overlaps with AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent, your custom intent takes precedence and those utterances invoke your intent instead.

Intents forwarded to the skill

These built-in intents may have a different implementation than the default. However, if you choose to give them a non-default implementation, do not include the back button in your templates, because AMAZON.PreviousIntent and the back button operate equivalently. By default, these intents operate in a linear backwards and forwards direction.

  • AMAZON.PreviousIntent
  • AMAZON.NextIntent

You can choose to implement these intents in your custom skill without providing any sample utterances.

As the skill developer, you must ensure these intents are handled in your skill's service (AWS Lambda or web service) in order for the user to use them.

Built-in Intent Library Documentation

Navigate to all built-in intents in the Built-in Intent Library.

See all available slot types in the Slot Type Reference.

Learn more about using the built-in intent library:

Learn more about building your voice interface:

The built-in intent library incorporates material from, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (version 3.0) (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at For questions, please contact us.

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Last updated: Aug 08, 2024