Submit a Certification Request

After you complete product registration, you can submit the product for Works with Alexa (WWA) certification. Your submission begins the process of engaging the WWA team to review your product and send your request to a third-party testing facility.

After you submit your product for certification, you can request the WWA badge. You don't need to wait for your project to pass certification.

Determine the number of certification requests

If you plan to certify your product to work with multiple hubs, submit multiple certification requests, one for each hub. Similarly, if you plan to certify your product for multiple regions, submit multiple certification requests, one for each region. You can request certification for all the countries within a single region in a single certification request. Certification in multiple regions requires reduced, but incremental, testing. For details about testing, see Certification testing and testing fees.

Create a new certification project

To submit your product for certification, you create a new WWA certification project. Create one project for each certification request.

To submit your product for certification

  1. If you started the certification process during product registration, skip to step 5.
  2. Sign in to the Alexa Certification Console.
  3. On the left-hand menu, select Products.
  4. On the Products page, scroll to find your product, and then under ACTIONS, click Submit.
    Or, on the left-hand menu, select Certification Requests, and then on the Certification page, click Create Project.
  5. On the New Project page, provide the following information.

    1. For For which program do you want to create a test project?, choose Works with Alexa program.
    2. For Which product do you want to certify?, choose your product from the list of your registered products.
    3. For Do you have an approval code?, select Yes if the WWA team gave you an approval code and enter the approval code. Otherwise, select No.
    4. For Would you like the testing sample to be returned to you after certification testing has been successfully completed and approved?, select Yes or No.
    5. For In which country was this device manufactured?, choose the country.
    6. For What is the current hardware version of the device to be reviewed?, enter the version number.
    7. For What is the model number of the chipset in this device?, enter the chipset model number.
      If your product integrates the Alexa Connect Kit (ACK), provide the name and model of the host microcontroller unit (HMCU).
    8. For What is the current firmware version of the device to be reviewed?, enter the version number.
    9. (Optional) You can share a demonstration of your product's user experience with the testing facility by uploading a media file. To select your media file, for Choose media files, click Select file(s).
      The file must not be larger than 100 MB.
    10. For In which regions do you want to certify your product?, choose the region where you want your product to receive certification.
      You can select multiple regions per certification request. Each country within the selected region is eligible for certification.
    11. For Connection Type, choose the connection type.
    12. If you use a skill to connect to Alexa, for Skill Name, enter the name of the skill.
    13. If you use a skill to connect to Alexa, for Skill ID, enter the information for your skill.

      You can find the skill ID in the Alexa developer console. If you don't have access to the skill ID, provide the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) instead. Browse to the skill in the Alexa Skills Store; the ASIN is the 10-digit alphanumeric ID in the URL. For example, in the URL, the ASIN is A1A1A1A1A1. If you enter the skill ASIN into the console, the console automatically converts the ASIN to the skill ID.

    14. If you use a skill to connect to Alexa, for Skill Stage, choose Live or Development.
    15. If you would like to save your Company Account information, select Save to my profile.
    16. For Company Information, Bill To Address, Delivery Address, and Physical Address, provide the information about your company.
      Amazon uses the email addresses and phone numbers that you provide.

    17. After you've verified the information, choose Save & Preview.
      Or, to save your data and continue later, choose Save.

Choose the testing facility

Allion and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) are third party testing facilities authorized to test WWA products for certification. You negotiate the service-level agreement and the cost of certification testing with the testing lab, not Amazon. Testing quotes depend on the device type and features that your product supports. For estimates and testing information, see Allion Works with Alexa and UL Solutions Interoperability Testing and Works with Alexa.

In some scenarios, Amazon might offer the option to have WWA certification testing performed by Amazon. If Amazon offers this option, you see the choice in the WWA console. Here, you can choose to opt in to have Amazon conduct the testing on your behalf.

Review and submit

Before you submit for certification, on the Preview Project page, review your project information. The Project Preview page lists the test cases that the testing facility runs as part of the certification process. Before you submit your project, verify that your product passes these tests.

To review the project information and submit

  1. On the Preview Project page, verify the information that you provided.
  2. Under Test Plans, review the documentation for each test plan.
  3. To view the test cases for each test plan, click .
  4. To export the test plans, click Export.
  5. Under Milestones, review the key dates for the project.
  6. To make changes to your project information, choose Edit.
  7. To save your project and continue to submit, choose Submit.
  8. To apply for certification and request badges for your ASINs, review the terms, and then choose Submit and start Badge Request.
    Or, to apply for certification only, review the terms, and then choose Submit. You can submit a badge request at any time.
    Or, to cancel your submission, choose Cancel.

View saved projects

In the certification console, you can view all projects that you saved, but haven't submitted.

To view all projects that are ready to submit

  1. On the left-hand menu, select Action Required.
  2. On the Action Required page, under Ready to Submit, view the projects that you created, but haven't submitted.
  3. To edit a project, under PROJECT ID, click the project ID.
  4. After you've verified the information, choose Save & Preview.
    Or, to save your data and continue later, choose Save.
  5. To save your project and continue to submit, choose Submit.
  6. To apply for certification and request badges for your ASINs, review the terms, and then choose Submit and start Badge Request.
    Or, to apply for certification only, review the terms, and then choose Submit. You can submit a badge request at any time.
    Or, to cancel your submission, choose Cancel.

Track the status of your certification

You can view your certification request on the Certification page and track the status of your certification request in the STATUS column. For details about the certification process, see Monitor Certification Testing.

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Last updated: Feb 21, 2025