Register Your Product

Now that you understand the certification process and have fulfilled the prerequisites, you're ready to register your product on the Alexa Certification Console.

Determine what to register

You must provide information for each product that you want to certify. If your product has multiple models, register each model version separately. For example, if you have two light bulbs that share the same lumens but have different model numbers, register each of them as separate products.

However, don't register true product variations separately. For example, if you have two light bulbs that have different colors and quantity (multi-packs) but the same model number, register them as one product. You can request a WWA badge for each variant after you submit your product for certification. For details about variations, see Variation Relationships Overview.

You can include a hub when you register your product. For example, if your light bulbs connect to Alexa through your smart hub, register your light bulb on the Product page and select Local control (Hub) as the connection type on the Services page. Submit your hub configuration on the Setup page. If your product receives WWA certification, your hub also receives certification. Don't register or submit the hub independently. If you already submitted your product for certification, please re-register your product to add the hub information, and then resubmit your product for certification.

If you plan to certify a product for multiple marketplaces or with multiple hubs, register the product one time. You can specify the marketplaces when you submit your product for certification.

Steps to register your product

To register your product, complete the following steps.

  1. Describe your product
  2. Select the services your product uses
  3. Select the capabilities your product supports
  4. Provide device setup information

Step 1: Describe your product

In the Alexa Certification Console, provide detailed information about your product, including the name, device category, brand, and model number.

To register your product

  1. Sign in to the Alexa Certification Console.
  2. In the Register New Product box, select the Device Type, and then choose Register.
    Or, on the Products page, choose Register Product.
  3. On the Product page, provide the following information.

    1. For Will this product be sold online at or via other channels?, choose Online if you intend to sell your product on the Amazon retail website.
      If you don't plan to sell your product on the Amazon retail website, choose Other.
    2. (Optional, if you chose Online for the previous step.) For Please provide the product ASIN, enter the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) that corresponds to the product that you're registering.
      If you don't have an ASIN, leave this field blank.
      When you provide the product ASIN, the console pre-populates the remaining product fields, if possible. You can still edit the pre-populated fields.
    3. For Retail Name, enter the name of your product.
    4. For Device Category, choose the category; for example, Lighting and Power.
    5. For Device Type, choose the device type; for example, Light bulb.
    6. For Brand, enter the customer-facing retail model number printed on your product packaging.
    7. For Model Number, enter the model number of your product.
  4. After you've verified the information, choose Save & Next to continue.
    Or, to save your data and continue later, choose Save.

Step 2: Select the services your product uses

On the Services page, select how your product connects to Alexa, indicate if your product uses dash replenishment, select the connection protocol, and indicate whether your product has its own app.

To select the services your product uses

  1. Select the Alexa connection type from the options available.
    Choose one of the following connection types:
    • Alexa Skills Kit (Wi-Fi) – Your device connects to Alexa over Wi-Fi with an Alexa smart home, video skill, or custom skill.
    • Local Control (Non-Matter) – Your device connects to Alexa through a third-party hub, bridge, or gateway, or through the built-in hub in Amazon Echo devices.
    • Matter – Your device connects to Alexa by using the Matter connectivity protocol.
    • Matter with Alexa Skills Kit (Wi-Fi) – Your device connects to Alexa by using the Matter connectivity protocol and smart home, video, or custom skills.
    • Matter with Alexa Connect Kit – Your device integrates the ACK hardware module designed by Amazon and uses the Matter connectivity protocol.
    • Alexa Voice Service – Your device uses the Connected Speaker interface.
    • Alexa Connect Kit – Your device integrates the ACK hardware module designed by Amazon.
    • Alexa Gadget Toolkit – Your device responds to Alexa and Echo events over Bluetooth by using the Alexa Gadget Toolkit.
    • Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) – Your device connects to printers on your Wi-Fi network.
  2. If your device connects to Dash, select the Dash connection type from the options displayed.
    Also, provide the Dash Model ID for the device. You can find your model ID in the Dash console.
  3. Select the communication protocol your device uses to connect to Alexa.
  4. After you've verified the information, choose Save & Next to continue.
    Or, to save your data and continue later, choose Save.

Step 3: Select the capabilities your product supports

On the Capabilities page, select the smart home interfaces that your product uses. For the complete list of smart home interfaces, see List of Alexa Interfaces and Supported Languages.

To select the capabilities your product supports

  1. Select the capabilities that your product supports.
    The Alexa Certification Console selects required capabilities automatically based on the registered Device Type. For details about required capability interfaces, see Device requirements. For Matter-enabled devices, make sure to select the Alexa capabilities for required Matter clusters.
  2. After you've verified the information, choose Save & Next to continue.
    Or, to save your data and continue later, choose Save.

Step 4: Provide device setup information

On the Setup page, provide information about how to install and configure your product for testing and customer usage.

To provide device setup information

  1. For Provide a link to your product listing to help us learn more about your product, enter the URL to your product listing.
  2. For Does this product require professional installation?, select Yes or No.
  3. For Are additional devices required for using this product?, select Yes or No.
  4. If you selected Yes, for If yes, which devices?, enter information about the additional device.
    To add another device, select +Add Device.
  5. For Are there any other applications required for device setup?, select Yes or No.
  6. If you selected Yes, in the next box, enter information about your app, such as how to download and configure to use the app.
  7. For Do you have any additional information you'd like to share with the testers about your product?, provide any configuration information.
    • If your product connects to Alexa through a hub, provide the hub configuration.
    • If your product supports the Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) mesh protocol, provide your Bluetooth SIG company identifier and your associated product identifier.

      To find your Company identifier, search for your company name on Bluetooth Specifications Company Identifiers and provide the value found in the Decimal column of the table. For Product identifier, provide the 16-bit integer that uniquely identifies the BLE-mesh product within your company.

  8. For each capability interface that you selected in Step 3, provide the requested configuration information.
  9. Verify the information, and then, to submit your product for registration, choose Save & Finish .
  10. To start a certification request for your product, click Yes.
    Or, to save your data and continue later, click No.

Complete registration

If you saved your data, but didn't submit for certification, you can complete the registration process from the Products page.

To complete product registration

  1. Sign in to the Alexa Certification Console.
  2. On the left menu, select Products.
  3. Under PRODUCT, find the retail name of your product.
  4. To complete or update registration information, under ACTIONS, choose Edit, and then provide the missing or updated information.
  5. To delete your product and start over, under ACTIONS, choose Delete.
  6. To submit your product for certification, verify that the status is Ready, and then under ACTIONS, choose Submit.

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Last updated: Jul 01, 2024