Feature Reporting
In the Appstore Developer Console, you can review and download monetization feature reports for your apps. The Developer Console hosts detailed reports for each of your monetization features to help you understand the effectiveness of each of these features. The feature reporting module contains monthly reports for each of your in-app purchasing (IAP) features configured for your app in the Amazon Appstore. The data includes aggregated transactions for each day linked to monetization features for each SKU per marketplace.
Introductory pricing report
The introductory pricing report provides information about the effectiveness of the promotional pricing feature for your app. The report provides an aggregated view of successful sign-ups for in-app subscription items configured in your app.
To download introductory pricing reports, follow these steps
- In the left menu, select Download Center.
- In the main panel, select Feature Reporting.
- Under the Introductory Pricing section, select the month of the report that you want to download.

The downloaded report is a CSV file. The CSV file in the Developer Console is updated every 24 hours, but the data may lag up to 2–5 days.
Introductory pricing report fields
The CSV file is a text file with a .csv file extension. The CSV file must use UTF-8 encoding to support localized strings.
The CSV file contains one header row, which displays the column titles. Each subsequent row in the file contains the information for one report item.
The following table describes the fields for each entry (row) in the CSV file.
Field | Description | Example |
App Title | The subscription is for the app with this title. | My Test App |
Term ASIN | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) for the subscription. | C00006M4PF |
Marketplace | The Amazon marketplace associated with the data in this record. | US |
Campaign Type | The type of campaign or the cohort of customers being targeted. | Introductory Price - All Customers |
Subscription Term | Period of the subscription. | Monthly |
Item Name | The name of the purchased item. | My Subscription |
term_sku | The SKU of the subscription. | com.test.monthly |
Date | The subscription data for this record was collected on this date. | 12/29/2018 |
Purchases Completed | Number of transactions (sign-ups) that happened for the ASIN on that date per marketplace. | 50 |
Retention offers report
The retention offers report provides information about the effectiveness of retention offers that you've configured for subscriptions in your app. The data on the report is aggregated daily and provides a view of the following:
- Retention offers shown
- Retention offers accepted
- Subscriptions renewed with a retention offer
- Expired subscriptions (occurs after a customer turns off auto-renewal from the Amazon retail website)
To download retention offer reports, follow these steps
- In the left menu, select Download Center.
- In the main panel, select Feature Reporting.
- Under the Retention Offers section, select the month of the report that you want to download.

The downloaded report is a CSV file. The CSV file in the Developer Console is updated every 24 hours, but the data may lag by up to 2–5 days. Retention offers reports are available starting from March 1, 2024.
Retention offer report fields
The CSV file is a text file with a .csv file extension. The CSV file must use UTF-8 encoding to support localized strings.
The CSV file contains one header row, which displays the column titles. Each subsequent row in the file contains the information for one report item.
The following table describes the fields for each entry (row) in the CSV file.
Field | Description | Example |
Partner | Name of the app. | My App |
Asin | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) for the subscription. | C00006M4PF |
Marketplace | The Amazon marketplace associated with the data in this record. | US |
Campaign Type | The type of campaign. | Retention Offer |
Term Period | Period of the subscription. In most cases, the term period matches the subscription term. However, there are a few exceptions where it can be week or day. If the term period value is weekly for a monthly term SKU, it indicates the subscriber was on a weekly free trial period. If the value is in days, it indicates a transaction tested in expedited format during Live App Testing (LAT). Possible values: Year, Month, Week, Days. | Month |
Term ID | Unique identifier for the term ASIN. | B093R8G5N3 |
Term SKU | The SKU of the subscription. | com.test.monthly |
Date | For retention offers, the date of subscription renewal. For cancellations, the date of expiration. Format is MM/DD/YYYY. | 12/29/2018 |
Offers Shown | Number of offers shown to eligible subscribers during cancellation, on or before renewal date. | 100 |
Offers Accepted | Number of offers accepted after offer is shown during cancellation, on or before their renewal date. | 25 |
Take Rate | The effectiveness of the offer, defined as the percentage of offers accepted to offers shown. | 25% |
Renewed with Retention Offer | Number of subscriptions renewed with the retention offer. Counts only the renewal date when the offer was accepted. For example, if the discount term duration is three months, only the first month (when the offer was accepted) is counted. | 21 |
Expired | Number of subscriptions expiring on the renewal date. If a subscriber turns off auto-renewal, the subscription remains active until the next renewal date, at which point the subscription expires. | 201 |
Feature report FAQ
The following are frequently asked questions (FAQ) about feature reporting.
- Q: Can I use the reporting API to download feature reports?
- Currently, the Appstore doesn't support download of feature reports through the reporting API.
- Q: Do the feature reports include any customer-specific information?
- No. These reports provide the number of customers who joined and discontinued a given subscription on a daily basis. These reports do not include any Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- Q: Can I download the source information from the overview page after I apply the required filters?
- This capability is not currently supported.
- Q: Why can't I see the introductory pricing report in my feature reporting download section?
- For the introductory pricing report to be visible, your app must have in-app subscription items available and have at least one introductory pricing offer configured in either the current year or the previous year.
- Q: In my introductory pricing reports, why am I missing a CSV file for a particular month?
- This happens when there are no introductory pricing offers active during that period.
- Q: Can I see retention offer reports even if I haven't configured a retention offer?
- Yes. You can see retention offer reports every month even if you haven't configured a retention offer. If you don't have a retention offer set up, the data for columns Offer Shown and Offer Accepted display a zero value, but the Expired column indicates a customer has turned off auto-renewal.
- Q: How long are reports available for?
- The reports are available for the current year and the previous year.
- Q: How can I read each row in the retention offer report?
- Consider the following example.
Example retention offer report data Date Offers Shown Offers Accepted Take Rate Renewed with Retention Offer Expired 5/15/2024 3 2 66% 1 3 To generate this example report, imagine customers took the actions shown in the following image. A text description follows.
There are five customers with a monthly subscription and a renewal date of May 15. Ahead of the May 15 renewal date, each customer decides to cancel. The customers perform the following actions:
- On April 25, customer 1 is shown a retention offer and declines, and turns off auto-renewal.
- On May 1, customer 2 is shown a retention offer and accepts.
- On April 20, customer 3 is shown a retention offer and accepts. However, on May 10, customer 3 turns off auto-renewal.
- On May 3, customer 4, who wasn't shown a retention offer, turns off auto-renewal.
- Customer 5 doesn't turn off auto-renewal ahead of May 15. Their subscription auto-renews on May 15.
On the aggregated report, these customers contribute to the data as follows.
Offers Shown Offers Accepted Renewed with Retention Offer Expired Customer 1 1 0 0 1 Customer 2 1 1 1 0 Customer 3 1 1 0 1 Customer 4 0 0 0 1 Customer 5 0 0 0 0 Aggregated total 3 2 1 3 The totals here match the example retention offer report data shown at the beginning of this example. Notice that customer 1, 2, 3, and 4, who all took action ahead of the May 15 renewal date, are included in the aggregated totals. However, customer 5, who didn't take action ahead of the May 15 renewal date, isn't included in the report. Take rate, not listed in this table, is calculated by taking the percentage of offers accepted, 2 in this example, to offers shown, which is 3. This matches the 66% take rate in the example retention offer report data.
Last updated: Jan 29, 2025