Developer Console

Earnings Reports

Use the Appstore Developer Console to review and download earnings reports for your apps.

Access earnings reports

To access the earnings reports, use the following steps

  1. On the Developer Console dashboard, click the Reporting tab.
  2. In the left menu, click Earnings & Payments.

Earnings and payments reports page

For the year that you select, you can view the reports by Months (the default) or by Marketplace.

When you expand a section, the table contains entries for each marketplace (in the Month view) or each month (in the Marketplace view). The fields in the table correspond to the fields in the CSV file (see table below).

Multiple line items within a given month can have the same payment amount in the preferred currency, as a single payment can include multiple invoices. The payment date captures the date of payment ( when payment is issued or rejected). It also shows the payment status: The valid values for payment status include:

  • issued
  • not issued
  • rejected

Download earnings reports

To download reports, use the following steps

  1. On the Developer Console dashboard, click the Reporting tab.
  2. In the left menu, select Download Center.
  3. In the main panel, select the Earnings and Payments Reports.
  4. Select the month of the report that you want to download. For Earnings and Payments reports, you can download the reports for the entire year.

Unlike the sales report, numbers in the earnings report are not estimated. They are the approved earnings by Amazon/Twitch. Payment reports are generated based on actual disbursement of payments. Earnings and Payments reports provide you the actual monetary value that you will receive.

Earnings reports display invoices generated at the end of the month, earnings amount before taxes and adjustments, the taxes withheld, any adjustments, payment status, payment amount and payment date.

Earnings that do not meet the payment threshold will accrue in Amazon’s accounts payable records as a carryover balance. The carryover balance plus the current month earnings must exceed the payment threshold before Amazon will initiate a payment.

Earnings reports may not reflect the actual disbursement amounts, such as when payment thresholds have not been met.

Fields in the earnings and payments reports

The CSV file is a text file with a .csv file extension. The CSV file must use UTF-8 encoding to support localized strings.

The CSV file contains one header row, which displays the column titles. Each subsequent row in the file contains the information for one report item.

The following table describes the fields for each entry (row) in the CSV file.

Field Type Description Example
Marketplace String The Amazon marketplace.
Invoice Group ID String The unique Id for the invoice. 8dd921637-b092f385a7ee4-62c6494b3ed702f113
Invoice ID String The sub invoice Id for the invoice. Default value is "NA"
Payment ID Integer The unique Id associated with this payment. 119399812
Earning Period Start Date String The date and time of the start of the earning period. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS XST, with 00-23 as the range of hours. Times are shown in the in the time zone associated with the marketplace of the transaction. 2017-11-01 00:00:00 EDT
Earning Period End Date String The date and time of the end of the earning period. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS XST, with 00-23 as the range of hours. Times are shown in the in the time zone associated with the marketplace of the transaction. 2017-12-01 00:00:00 EDT
Earnings Pre-Tax and Adjustments Number (currency) Earnings amount during the earning period. 218.92
Earnings Pre-Tax and Adjustments Currency String Three letter currency value of the earnings amount. EUR
Adjustments Number (currency) Adjustments to the earnings. 218.92
Adjustments Currency String Three letter currency of the adjustments value. EUR
Tax Withheld Number (currency) Amount of tax withheld from the earnings. 218.92
Tax Withheld Currency String Three letter currency of the Tax Withheld value. EUR
Exchange Rate Number Exchange rate used to convert the earnings amount into the home currency. 0.88804
Mode of Payment String The type of the payment. Values include EFT, Check, or Wire EFT
Payment Amount Number (currency) Payment amount in your preferred currency. 218.92
Payment Amount Currency String Three letter currency of the Payment Amount value. GBP
Payment Status String Status of the payment. Values include Issued, Not Issued, and Rejected Issued
Payment Issue Date String The date and time when Amazon issued this payment. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS XST, with 00-23 as the range of hours. Times are shown in the time zone of the associated marketplace. 2017-11-01 00:00:00 EDT
Payment Failure Date String The date that the payment failed to process. 2017-11-01 00:00:00 EDT
Aws Credit Earned Number (currency) AWS credit earnings amount. Ten percent of total earnings for the associated marketplace. Excludes refunds and chargebacks. 218.92
Aws Credit Earned Currency String Three letter currency of the AWS credits earned. GBP
fx_rate Number Foreign exchange rate used to convert the AWS credit earnings amount from the home currency into USD. 1.2124
Aws Credit Earned In USD Number (currency) AWS credit earnings amount in USD. 1005.37
AWS Credit Issued Currency String Three letter currency of the AWS credits issued. The value is always USD. USD
Aws Credit Issued in USD Number (currency) Amount of AWS credits issued in USD. 1005.37
Aws Credit Issued Date Time String The date and time of when the AWS credits were issued. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS XST, with 00-23 as the range of hours. Times are shown in GMT. 2023-01-29 00:00:00 GMT
Credit Status String Status of the AWS credits. Values include Successful and Not Issued. Successful

Last updated: Dec 18, 2024