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Manage Payments Using Saved Wallet

[Step 4 of 7] After the buyer has successfully completed the setup of Saved Wallet, the Complete Checkout Session response will include a ChargePermissionId for a Saved Wallet Charge Permission object that you can use to charge the buyer and manage cancellations.

At the end of this step, you will be able to charge the buyer and manage cancellations.

1. Managing charges and handling declines

Call Create Charge each time you need to charge the customer. Set CaptureNow to true to capture payment immediately, set it to false to capture later. Note that Amazon Pay limits how much you can charge the buyer for each calendar month, see monthly Saved Wallet charge limits for more info.

If Create Charge returns a 201 response, authorization was either successfully completed or successfully initiated depending on whether canHandlePendingAuthorization was set to true. If Create Charge returns a different HTTP status code, check the request response reasonCode to determine if you should retry Create Charge or ask your buyer to use a different payment method:

  • If reasonCode is SoftDeclined or ProcessingFailure:
    1. Call Get Charge Permission to confirm that the Charge Permission is in a Chargeable state
    2. Call Create Charge to charge the buyer
  • If reasonCode is HardDeclined, ask the buyer to update their payment instrument using the following link:{ChargePermissionId}. Replace {ChargePermissionId} with the buyer's Charge Permission Id. Set up IPNs to receive a notification once the payment instrument has been updated and then:

    1. Call Get Charge Permission to confirm that the Charge Permission is in a Chargeable state
    2. Call Create Charge to charge the buyer


curl "" \
-H "authorization:Px2e5oHhQZ88vVhc0DO%2FsShHj8MDDg%3DEXAMPLESIGNATURE"
-H "x-amz-pay-date:20201012T235046Z"
-H "x-amz-pay-idempotency-key:AVLo5tI10BHgEk2jEXAMPLEKEY"
-d @request_body

Request body

    "chargePermissionId": "P21-1111111-1111111",
    "chargeAmount": {
        "amount": "14.00",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
    "captureNow": true, // default is false
    "softDescriptor": "Descriptor",
    "canHandlePendingAuthorization": false //default is false

Request parameters


Type: string
Idempotency key to safely retry requests

Type: string
Charge Permission identifier

Type: price
Transaction amount

Type: boolean
Boolean that indicates whether or not Charge should be captured immediately after a successful authorization

Default: false

Type: string
Description shown on the buyer payment instrument statement. You can only use this parameter if CaptureNow is set to true

Do not store sensitive data about the buyer or the transaction in this field. Sensitive data includes, but is not limited to: government-issued identification, bank account numbers, or credit card numbers

The soft descriptor sent to the payment processor is: "AMZ* <soft descriptor specified here>"

Default: "AMZ*<SELLER_NAME>"
Max length: 16 characters

Type: boolean
Boolean that indicates whether or not merchant can handle pending response

If set to false, you will receive a response within a maximum of 15 seconds in US, EU, and UK regions or 30 seconds in JP region. If set to true, Amazon Pay will process the authorization asynchronously and you will receive a response within 24 hours. See asynchronous processing for more info

Type: merchantMetadata
Merchant-provided order details

Type: providerMetadata
Payment service provider (PSP)-provided order details

Only PSPs should use these fields

Type: string
Represents who initiated the charge.

Supported values: 'CITU', 'MITU', 'CITR', 'MITR'

CITU: A customer-initiated unscheduled transaction is a transaction where the customer is present and provides their payment credentials. This can be through a terminal in-store, or online through a checkout experience. The customer-initiated transaction is the proof that the customer and merchant entered into a relationship and that the payment credential presented was in fact a validly presented payment instrument.

MITU: A merchant-initiated unscheduled transaction is a transaction where the customer is not present and is conducted without any additional cardholder validation. In all cases, a merchant-initiated transaction must refer to a customer’s original interaction where a customer and merchant have entered into an agreement for a recurring product or service or an automated billing or unscheduled transactions etc.

There are many different kinds of merchant-initiated transactions. Examples include:
  • Delayed Charges Transaction
  • Incremental Authorization Transaction
  • No Show Transaction
  • Unscheduled Stored Credential Transaction
  • Other Credential on File Transactions
CITR: A customer-initiated transaction representing the first in a series of recurring transactions. Use this if the customer will be charged upon signing up for a subscription in your own checkout experience (i.e., the buyer already has Saved Wallet set up)

MITR: A merchant-initiated transaction for a recurring transaction. Use this for all subsequent recurring charges, regardless of how the first recurring charge was initiated.

Type: string
Represents the channel of the charge.

Supported values: 'Web', 'Phone', 'App', 'Alexa', 'PointOfSale', 'Firetv', 'Offline'

When to use these channels:
  1. Web: Desktop or mobile browser
  2. Phone: Over phone call
  3. App: Mobile app
  4. Alexa: Alexa SDK
  5. Firetv: Fire TV
  6. Offline: Buyer not present


Type: string
Checkout result URL provided by the merchant. Amazon Pay will redirect to this URL after completing the transaction.

The parameter is required in case you need to handle charge when MFA challenge is required to be completed by buyer (for EU and UK merchants only)

Note: In the Live environment, URLs must use HTTPS protocol. In Sandbox environment, you don't need a SSL certificate and can use the HTTP protocol if you're testing on localhost (http://localhost)

Max length: 1024 characters/bytes


     "chargeId": "P21-1111111-1111111-C111111",
     "chargePermissionId": "P21-1111111-1111111",
     "chargeAmount": {
         "amount": "14.00",
         "currencyCode": "USD"
     "captureAmount": {
         "amount": "14.00",
         "currencyCode": "USD"
     "refundedAmount": {
         "amount": "0.00",
         "currencyCode": "USD"
     "convertedAmount": "14.00",
     "conversionRate": "1.00",
     "softDescriptor": "Descriptor",
     "merchantMetadata": null,
     "providerMetadata": {
         "providerReferenceId": null
         "state": "Captured",
         "reasonCode": null,
         "reasonDescription": null,
         "lastUpdatedTimestamp": "20190714T155300Z"
     "creationTimestamp": "20190714T155300Z",
     "expirationTimestamp": "20190715T155300Z",
     "releaseEnvironment": "Sandbox"

Handling charge when MFA Challenge is required to be completed by buyer (for EU and UK merchants only)

When chargeInitiator is CITU or CITR, buyers might be required to authenticate their payment methods (like Strong Customer Authentication as part of PSD2 regulation in Europe), Create Charge will return a 202 response. Amazon Pay will move the charge to ActionRequired with reasonCode as BuyerActionRequired . To finalize the charge you need to

  1. Redirect the buyer to amazonPayRedirectUrl provided as part of charge. Amazon Pay will render the MFA challenge page for the buyer.
  2. Use Complete Checkout Session to confirm that the buyer has successfully returned to your site.


curl "" \
-H "authorization:Px2e5oHhQZ88vVhc0DO%2FsShHj8MDDg%3DEXAMPLESIGNATURE"
-H "x-amz-pay-date:20201012T235046Z"
-H "x-amz-pay-idempotency-key:AVLo5tI10BHgEk2jEXAMPLEKEY"
-d @request_body

Request body

    "chargePermissionId": "P21-1111111-1111111",
    "chargeAmount": {
        "amount": "14.00",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
    "captureNow": true, // default is false
    "softDescriptor": "Descriptor",
    "canHandlePendingAuthorization": false //default is false
    "webCheckoutDetails": {
        "checkoutResultReturnUrl": "URL"


     "chargeId": "P21-1111111-1111111-C111111",
     "chargePermissionId": "P21-1111111-1111111",
     "chargeAmount": {
         "amount": "14.00",
         "currencyCode": "USD"
     "captureAmount": {
         "amount": "14.00",
         "currencyCode": "USD"
     "refundedAmount": {
         "amount": "0.00",
         "currencyCode": "USD"
     "convertedAmount": "14.00",
     "conversionRate": "1.00",
     "softDescriptor": "Descriptor",
     "merchantMetadata": null,
     "providerMetadata": {
         "providerReferenceId": null
         "state": "ActionRequired",
         "reasonCode": "BuyerActionRequired",
         "reasonDescription": "Charge requires buyer action to proceed.",
         "lastUpdatedTimestamp": "20190714T155300Z"
     "webCheckoutDetails": {
        "checkoutResultReturnUrl": "URL",
        "amazonPayRedirectUrl": "URL" // post-order URL to complete MFA
     "creationTimestamp": "20190714T155300Z",
     "expirationTimestamp": "20190715T155300Z",
     "releaseEnvironment": "Sandbox"

The buyer is redirected to checkoutResultReturnUrl after the MFA challenge has been solved and Amazon Pay processed the transaction. The Amazon Pay checkout session ID will be included as a query parameter.

Use Complete Checkout Session to confirm that the buyer has successfully returned to your site.

Notes: Amazon Pay will not finalize the Charge request until you confirm with Complete Checkout Session. If the request is not sent within 24 hours the payment authorization will be cancelled.

Successful response:

Complete Checkout Session will return a success response if the charge was processed successfully.

Error response:

Complete Checkout Session will return an error response for failed transactions. The buyer either canceled checkout or was unable to provide a valid payment instrument. You should:

  1. Redirect the buyer to the start of checkout
  2. Display a message such as: "Your payment was not successful. Please try another payment method.“

2. Managing cancellations

Use Close Charge Permission to inform Amazon Pay if a buyer cancels/removes their Saved Wallet. You will no longer be able to charge a buyer unless they consent again to setup Saved Wallet.

Buyers can also close Charge Permissions by signing in to

Set up IPNs to receive notifications whenever a Charge Permission is closed. To minimize churn, we recommend that you proactively reach out to the subscriber for a new payment method before the next billing cycle.

3. Changing the Payment Method or Shipping Address

Changing the payment method with Amazon's YAUI

Buyers can update their payment method on Saved Wallet from section of the Amazon Pay website. Any subsequent charges are processed using the updated payment method. The payment method associated with any previous charges are not updated. A direct link can also be provided to the buyer to allow easy updates of associated payment method using the following URL:{ChargePermissionId}. Replace {ChargePermissionId} with the buyer's Charge Permission Id.

Changing the payment method or shipping address on Amazon Pay's hosted update page

You can also allow buyers to change payment method or shipping address on Amazon Pay’s hosted Update page. For details on how to integrate this solution, please refer to Steps to integrate with Amazon Pay’s hosted Update page.

4. Saved Wallet Expiration

Charge Permissions with a type of paymentMethodOnFile do not have a set expiration and will persist until closed.