The Alexa Smile logo is the primary brand mark for all marketing and communications and should be used in all instances of Alexa brand attribution.
Maintain a minimum amount of clear space around the Alexa Smile logo determined by the height of the typography. Clear space ensures the legibility and integrity of the Alexa Smile logo is not impeded by other graphic elements. The clear space scales in proportion to the size of the logo, so when the logo gets bigger, the clear space should, too.
In order to preserve legibility do not scale the Alexa Smile logo smaller than the sizes recommended. The logo must be no smaller than .375 inches high for print, 30 px for 1x resolution screens, or 60 px for 2x resolution screens. The Amazon Alexa logo should be no smaller than .375 inches high for print, 26 px for 1x resolution screens, or 52 px for 2x resolution screens.
To preserve the integrity of the Alexa brand, make sure to apply the logo correctly. Altering, distorting, or redrawing the logo in any way weakens the power of the image and could create customer confusion.