Conversation design patterns

Updated: April 25, 2023

In this section you will find best practices and samples of common patterns used skill dialogs. These building blocks of an Alexa conversation include:

I. Lists
II. Gathering feedback
III. Handling errors



Customers don’t have much time to listen to, understand, and respond to prompts that include a list of options. There are a few strategies you can follow to avoid overwhelming your listener with such information.

Learn more about the List Pattern.


Customer: Alexa, open Planet Facts

Alexa: Hi there. Welcome to Planet facts, with facts, trivia, and jokes that are out of this world. I can tell you about Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and more. Which do you want to learn about?

Customer: More

Alexa: I can also tell you about Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Mercury. Which would you like?


Gathering feedback

Customers don’t have much time to listen to, understand, and respond to prompts that include a list of options. There are a few strategies you can follow to avoid overwhelming your listener with such information.

Learn more about gathering feedback.

Alexa: That’s all I have about Neptune. What planet do you want to learn about next?

Customer: I’m done.

Alexa: Looks like you’re all spaced out. Please rate your Planet Facts experience from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best. How was it?

Customer: 5

Alexa: I’m glad you’re over the moon. Thanks for your help improving Planet Facts.


Handling errors

Learn to anticipate and resolve common misunderstandings and errors when customers converse with your skill. Ensure the conversation won’t reach a dead end, and, when an error does occur, write responses that clearly explain what went wrong and how Alexa or the customer might resolve it.

Learn more about handling errors.

Customer: Alexa, ask MyFlightFinder where my flight is.

Alexa: To find your trip with MyFlightFinder, I have a few questions. First, where are you going?

Customer: Melbourne

Alexa: Is that Melbourne in Australia, or Florida?

Customer: In Florida

Alexa: Melbourne, Florida. Got it. When are you going?

Customer: …

Alexa: I didn’t catch that. When are you going to Melbourne, Florida?

Customer: …

Alexa: I didn’t catch that. To find your flight, I’ll need to know a date or time you’ll be going. When are you going to Melbourne, Florida?

Customer: It’s today sometime

Alexa: Ok. Today. Which airport are you leaving from?

Customer: Seattle

Alexa: I found two flights today from Seattle to Melbourne, Florida. The first one departs at 12 pm. The Second one departs at 7 pm. Which do you want?

Customer: Oh it’s the one at noon

Alexa: The flight from Seattle to Melbourne, Florida, leaving today at 12 pm, is delayed. There's no new departure time yet. Want to check another trip?

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