Amazon Music Web API

Playback V1.0

Web Playback

API endpoints for retreiving and updating track objects for playback. For an explanation of the basics of playback, see the playback overview.

Create New Session

Intialize a new session and playback queue. Either or .containerIds must be provided.

Request Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description string No The MVN ID of the item for playback
body.playParams.containerIds string No An array of strings of MVN IDs defining the container context of the current playback item. It can be a list of tracks or a single container such as a playlist or album.
body.playbackOptions.shuffleMode string No Enable or disable shuffle mode for playback. Allowed values are 'SHUFFLE_ON' and 'SHUFFLE_OFF'.
body.playbackOptions.loopMode string No Enable or disable shuffle mode for playback. Allowed values are 'LOOP_ON' and 'LOOP_OFF'.
body.playbackOptions.startAsStation bool No Start a station based on the requested track. If this parameter is set, shuffleMode will be ignored.
body.playbackOptions.playbackContinuationMode bool No An optional parameter specifying whether to stop playback at the end of the queue or to continue.
body.limit number No This sets the size of the playback queue. Must be a number between 1 and 10 inclusive.


curl --request GET '<base url>/v1/playback/sessions' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
playback InitialPlaybackSessionResponse Yes Playback session object


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

    "data": {
        "entities": [
                "sessionId": "a133859e-44e6-4917-8893-fe36c8ea312a",
                "entityReferenceId": "526af97e-8396-4b5a-ae26-7ee95999d34c",
                "actions": {
                    "next": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "remainingSkips": 0,
                        "disableType": "NO_MORE_SKIPS"
                    "previous": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "disableType": "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE"
                    "shuffle": {
                        "isAllowed": false
                "track": {
                    "id": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                    "type": "Track",
                    "mediaType": "AUDIO",
                    "url": "",
                    "playbackInformation": {
                        "url": "",
                        "protocol": "DASH",
                        "format": "ENCRYPTED_OPUS_FLAC",
                        "licenseHeaders": {
                            "x-amz-music-rid": "c5a68f74-1c96-46e6-a11a-c2b090316a84",
                            "x-amz-music-asin": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                            "x-amz-target": "",
                            "x-amz-music-device-type": "A3DNCSDVBULX7K",
                            "x-amz-music-device-id": "amzn1.application.c402f0127c5b4a839e5d7938acd958f7",
                            "x-amz-music-customer-id": "ASWQDKQ3AFS23",
                            "x-amz-music-drm-type": "WIDEVINE"
                    "title": "Flowers",
                    "subtitle": "Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation [Explicit]",
                    "isrc": "USSM12209777",

Get Current Track

Retrieves a playback object for the current track.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).


curl --request PUT '<base url>/v1/me' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data \
  "name": "New Name",
  "visibility": "PUBLIC",
  "playbackVisibility": "PUBLIC"


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
playback Playback No Playback object for the requested track


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

    "data": {
        "entities": [
                "sessionId": "a133859e-44e6-4917-8893-fe36c8ea312a",
                "entityReferenceId": "526af97e-8396-4b5a-ae26-7ee95999d34c",
                "actions": {
                    "next": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "remainingSkips": 0,
                        "disableType": "NO_MORE_SKIPS"
                    "previous": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "disableType": "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE"
                    "shuffle": {
                        "isAllowed": false
                "track": {
                    "id": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                    "type": "Track",
                    "mediaType": "AUDIO",
                    "url": "https://...",
                    "playbackInformation": {
                        "url": "https://...",
                        "protocol": "DASH",
                        "format": "ENCRYPTED_OPUS_FLAC",
                        "licenseHeaders": {
                    "title": "Flowers",
                    "subtitle": "Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation [Explicit]",
                    "isrc": "USSM12209777",

Get Next Track

Retrieves a playback object for the next track in the queue.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).

Query Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
body.limit number No This sets the size of the playback queue. Must be a number between 1 and 10 inclusive.


curl --request GET '<base url>/v1/me/library/tracks' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
playback Playback No Playback object for the requested track


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

    "data": {
        "entities": [
                "sessionId": "a133859e-44e6-4917-8893-fe36c8ea312a",
                "entityReferenceId": "526af97e-8396-4b5a-ae26-7ee95999d34c",
                "actions": {
                    "next": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "remainingSkips": 0,
                        "disableType": "NO_MORE_SKIPS"
                    "previous": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "disableType": "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE"
                    "shuffle": {
                        "isAllowed": false
                "track": {
                    "id": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                    "type": "Track",
                    "mediaType": "AUDIO",
                    "url": "",
                    "playbackInformation": {
                        "url": "",
                        "protocol": "DASH",
                        "format": "ENCRYPTED_OPUS_FLAC",
                        "licenseHeaders": {
                            "x-amz-music-rid": "c5a68f74-1c96-46e6-a11a-c2b090316a84",
                            "x-amz-music-asin": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                            "x-amz-target": "",
                            "x-amz-music-device-type": "A3DNCSDVBULX7K",
                            "x-amz-music-device-id": "amzn1.application.c402f0127c5b4a839e5d7938acd958f7",
                            "x-amz-music-customer-id": "ASWQDKQ3AFS23",
                            "x-amz-music-drm-type": "WIDEVINE"
                    "title": "Flowers",
                    "subtitle": "Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation [Explicit]",
                    "isrc": "USSM12209777",

Get Previous Track

Retrieves a playback object for the previous track in the queue.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).

Query Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
body.limit number No This sets the size of the playback queue. Must be a number between 1 and 10 inclusive.


curl --request GET '<base url>/v1/me/followers' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
playback Playback No Playback object for the requested track


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

    "data": {
        "entities": [
                "sessionId": "a133859e-44e6-4917-8893-fe36c8ea312a",
                "entityReferenceId": "526af97e-8396-4b5a-ae26-7ee95999d34c",
                "actions": {
                    "next": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "remainingSkips": 0,
                        "disableType": "NO_MORE_SKIPS"
                    "previous": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "disableType": "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE"
                    "shuffle": {
                        "isAllowed": false
                "track": {
                    "id": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                    "type": "Track",
                    "mediaType": "AUDIO",
                    "url": "",
                    "playbackInformation": {
                        "url": "",
                        "protocol": "DASH",
                        "format": "ENCRYPTED_OPUS_FLAC",
                        "licenseHeaders": {
                            "x-amz-music-rid": "c5a68f74-1c96-46e6-a11a-c2b090316a84",
                            "x-amz-music-asin": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                            "x-amz-target": "",
                            "x-amz-music-device-type": "A3DNCSDVBULX7K",
                            "x-amz-music-device-id": "amzn1.application.c402f0127c5b4a839e5d7938acd958f7",
                            "x-amz-music-customer-id": "ASWQDKQ3AFS23",
                            "x-amz-music-drm-type": "WIDEVINE"
                    "title": "Flowers",
                    "subtitle": "Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation [Explicit]",
                    "isrc": "USSM12209777",

Get Playback Queue

Get the current user’s list of followed users. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of followed users to return.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).

Query Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
limit number No The maximum number of users to return (default: 100). Minimum of 1, maximum of 100.
cursor string No The cursor/token for the page to continue pagination results from.


curl --request GET '<base url>/v1/playback/sessions/<sessionId>/queue' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
user User No Data about the current Amazon Music user, including followed users


  "data": {

Get Active Sessions

Retrieve all playback sessions across all devices.


curl --request GET '<base url>/v1/playback/sessions/active' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
playback Playback No Playback object for the requested track


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

    "data": {
        "entities": [
                "sessionId": "a133859e-44e6-4917-8893-fe36c8ea312a",
                "entityReferenceId": "526af97e-8396-4b5a-ae26-7ee95999d34c",
                "actions": {
                    "next": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "remainingSkips": 0,
                        "disableType": "NO_MORE_SKIPS"
                    "previous": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "disableType": "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE"
                    "shuffle": {
                        "isAllowed": false
                "track": {
                    "id": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                    "type": "Track",
                    "mediaType": "AUDIO",
                    "url": "",
                    "playbackInformation": {
                        "url": "",
                        "protocol": "DASH",
                        "format": "ENCRYPTED_OPUS_FLAC",
                        "licenseHeaders": {
                            "x-amz-music-rid": "c5a68f74-1c96-46e6-a11a-c2b090316a84",
                            "x-amz-music-asin": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                            "x-amz-target": "",
                            "x-amz-music-device-type": "A3DNCSDVBULX7K",
                            "x-amz-music-device-id": "amzn1.application.c402f0127c5b4a839e5d7938acd958f7",
                            "x-amz-music-customer-id": "ASWQDKQ3AFS23",
                            "x-amz-music-drm-type": "WIDEVINE"
                    "title": "Flowers",
                    "subtitle": "Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation [Explicit]",
                    "isrc": "USSM12209777",

Refresh Playback Session

Used to retrieve an inactive playback session as long as it has been active within the last 30 days. Can also be used to refresh the data inside the queue of the current session.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
entityReferenceId string Yes The ID of the session to retrieve (from Playback object).
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).


curl --request GET '<base url>/v1/playback/sessions/<sessionId>/entities/<entityReferenceId> \
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
playback InitialPlaybackSessionResponse Yes Playback session object


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

    "data": {
        "entities": [
                "sessionId": "a133859e-44e6-4917-8893-fe36c8ea312a",
                "entityReferenceId": "526af97e-8396-4b5a-ae26-7ee95999d34c",
                "actions": {
                    "next": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "remainingSkips": 0,
                        "disableType": "NO_MORE_SKIPS"
                    "previous": {
                        "isAllowed": false,
                        "disableType": "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE"
                    "shuffle": {
                        "isAllowed": false
                "track": {
                    "id": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                    "type": "Track",
                    "mediaType": "AUDIO",
                    "url": "",
                    "playbackInformation": {
                        "url": "",
                        "protocol": "DASH",
                        "format": "ENCRYPTED_OPUS_FLAC",
                        "licenseHeaders": {
                            "x-amz-music-rid": "c5a68f74-1c96-46e6-a11a-c2b090316a84",
                            "x-amz-music-asin": "B0BS2S4WXN",
                            "x-amz-target": "",
                            "x-amz-music-device-type": "A3DNCSDVBULX7K",
                            "x-amz-music-device-id": "amzn1.application.c402f0127c5b4a839e5d7938acd958f7",
                            "x-amz-music-customer-id": "ASWQDKQ3AFS23",
                            "x-amz-music-drm-type": "WIDEVINE"
                    "title": "Flowers",
                    "subtitle": "Miley Cyrus - Endless Summer Vacation [Explicit]",
                    "isrc": "USSM12209777",

Queue Next Track

Insert a track into the playback queue immediately after the current track.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).

Request Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description string Yes The MVN ID of the item for playback.
body.playParams.containerIds string Yes An array of strings of MVN IDs defining the container context of the current playback item. It can be a list of tracks or a single container such as a playlist or album.
body.entityReferenceId string No The MVN ID of the item in the queue after which this new track will be inserted.


curl --request PUT <base url>/v1/playback/sessions/<sessionId>/queue/next
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


HTTP status 200 on success.

Client is required to retrigger get next track from current position since the next position may have changed.

Queue Last Track

Add a track to the end of the playback queue.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).

Request Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description string Yes The MVN ID of the item for playback
body.playParams.containerIds string Yes An array of strings of MVN IDs defining the container context of the current playback item. It can be a list of tracks or a single container such as a playlist or album.


curl --request POST <base url>/v1/playback/sessions/<sessionId>/queue/last
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


HTTP status 200 on success.

Client may need to retrigger get next track from current position since the next position may have changed.

Set Playback Mode to Loop

Set the playback queue to loop the current track.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).

Request Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
body.loopMode string Yes Enable or disable loop mode. Allowed values are 'LOOP_ONE', 'LOOP_ALL', and 'LOOP_OFF'


curl --request PUT <base url>/v1/playback/sessions/<sessionId>/loop
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


HTTP status 200 on success.

Client is required to retrigger get next track from current position since the next position may have changed.

Set Playback Mode to Shuffle

Set the playback queue to shuffle the current track.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes The ID of the current session (from Playback object).

Request Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
body.shuffleMode string Yes Enable or disable shuffle mode. Allowed values are 'SHUFFLE_ON' and 'SHUFFLE_OFF'


curl --request PUT <base url>/v1/playback/sessions/<sessionId>/shuffle
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


HTTP status 200 on success.

Client is required to retrigger get next track from current position since the next position may have changed.

Report Events

Report playback events to the Amazon Music service.

This endpoint supports three concurrency handling scenarios that can be used to resolve playback conflicts. By default, when there is a concurrency error the backend will take over the existing stream to start a new playback session. The AUTO option will return an error to the client. The client can then decide how to resolve the conflict, either by displaying a prompt to take over the session or by stopping playback. FORCE will force the backend to take over the existing stream if there is a concurrency error.

Body Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
body.metricId string Yes The metric ID to report (from Playback).
body.event object Yes The event object (from Playback).
body.options.takeOverType object No Allowed values are 'AUTO' and 'FORCE'.


curl --request PUT <base url>/v1/playback/event
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


HTTP status 200 on success.