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Amazon Music Web API

Web API Station V1.0


Methods for retrieving station meta-data.

Get Station

Authorization Scope: [music::catalog]
Get Amazon Music meta-data for a single specified station.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes The Amazon Music catalog ID of the station to retrieve.


curl --request GET '<base url>/v1/stations/A3QXXOBP9MU5LY'
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
station Station No Data about the Amazon Music station


  "data": {
    "station": {
      "id": "A3QXXOBP9MU5LY",
      "name": "Pop Culture Radio",
      "url": "",
      "images": [
          "url": "",
          "width": 2400,
          "height": 2400
          "url": "",
          "width": 48,
          "height": 48
          "url": "",
          "width": 1000,
          "height": 1000