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5 best practices to build apps for the Amazon Appstore

Moses Roth Mar 04, 2024
How to Best practices

Are you building apps for the Amazon Appstore and looking for some expert guidence? In addition to our developer documentation, we also manage several popular categories within our Amazon Appstore community space: a Q&A section to ask questions, a dedicated space for announcements, and a knowledge base for commonly searched topics and FAQs.


To get you started, we've gathered five popular knowledge base articles that highlight best practices when building apps for the Amazon Appstore.

app testing overview

Ensuring your app functions seamlessly is vital before beginning the submission process to the Amazon Appstore. In this guide, you will discover the ins and outs of testing with virtual Amazon devices, utilizing Live App Testing, and mastering the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) for a seamless launch. 

support Android APIs code

Maximize your app's compatibility and reach by ensuring it performs seamlessly across all Fire and Android devices. In this guide, you will learn how to use version targeting effectively, ensuring your app calls compatible APIs that are fully supported on each device type to avoid crashes or unexpected behavior.

obfuscate code

Safeguard your app from piracy and infringement by obfuscating your app’s code, making it challenging for unauthorized individuals to decipher or tamper with it. Follow the step-by-step guide on implementing ProGuard for effective code obfuscation. 

compatible devices menu

When submitting your Android app to the Amazon Appstore, the settings in your app's manifest and build.gradle files play a crucial role in determining the devices your app can be installed in. Learn how to maximize your app's reach by ensuring it is accessible on the as many Amazon devices as possible. 

product details menu

Enhance cross-promotion for your portfolio of apps by utilizing deep linking to direct users to specific products on the Amazon Appstore or Amazon retail website right from directly within your app. Follow the guide to learn how.


Check out the rest of our Knowledge Base to explore all the the articles currently available. If there are topics you're curious about that haven't been covered yet, let us know!

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